Your views and ideas on forum areas and organization?

by Simon 147 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    It will do that ... the preview site has the PM indicator now and PM listing when you click it (but not the message text yet). Hopefully it gives an idea of what it will be like.

    If you don't have any unread PM you won't see the indicator right now but can go to /messages/inbox to see them (that will change)

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Simon, I don't know if it is possible but could the small LOGOUT area, go somewhere else? I hit it one night by mistake when I was tired and it of course, did log me out. Fortunately, I remembered my password, so I didn't have any problems but others have.

    Thank you,

    Just Lois

  • gorgia2


    Thank you for all your hard work. Could there be an easier way to upload photos/images? I still get photobucket wrong every time!


  • Simon

    Yes, I have some code for drag-and-drop super easy photo uploading but need to add some alerting and moderator tools before its made available to protect us from abuse.

  • gorgia2

    Thanks Simon! I'm sure everyone can't wait to see photos of my pets!!!


  • talesin

    Health & Nutrition? A lot of folks who are newly DF, having health issues, whether mental or physical, with little or no support.


    Oculus, 25 years, really? on what internet? lol

  • RayPublisher


    Bring it on Simon great improvements and suggestions all around

  • Vidiot

    Currently, if you want to find an older post, you had to either use the search function, or the "Topics Started"/"Topics Posted On" option on a given member's profile page...

    ...but I've been on other boards with a "View previous posts" function that will let you take the second option a step further; displaying snippets of specific post entries (most recent first, often) that you can directly click on and jump to.

    Would there a way of incorporating that?

  • Simon

    It's not very obvious right now but if you're on a topic on the new site, you have prev / next arrows on the top right (of the breadcrumb bar)

    Right now I think it's in order of topic started but I hope to make it work in order that you were viewing things i.e. if you are viewing in order of post count within a specific subject area then prev / next will reflect that.

  • Giordano

    Thank you for all of the hard work. I hope we can have a spell check to help out all of the second language folks and my crappy first and only language spelling.

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