iCeltic - So here we are the 1st of the month.
How did my prayer work out?
Which god is the true one?
Well, my little chickadees...............................
I have not received £24k and god hasn't told me which one s/he, they, it is.
I could interpret this in many ways.
1. How dare I ask? It shows how unworthy I am with a wrong motive.
2. There is no god/s listening or caring.
3. There simply is no god singular or plural.
4. God's convenient answer was 'No!'
5. God is having a happy clappy joke with me and I'll find the money later.
6. That favourite old get out clause: I didn't have faith.
...........or because I do not recognize god's sole channel of communication, the Governing paedophiles Body of Jehovah's witnesses(R), he's simply fixing to lovingly murder me soon at armageddon(TM). In any case he'd rather give the money to protect paedophiles than actually help those genuinely in need. That's old Jah for ya! He's a scream.
If god existed why does he sit in the clouds and not answer prayers in a very obvious way?
Seriously though, I have to say when I prayed I was sincere and genuine and it wasn't a mickey take.
It's funny, I give gifts to MY children when they are in need.
Well here we are then. What have I learned?