What Is The Most Absurd JW Belief or View?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Grumblecakes .... they needed something to really make

    themselves stand out from other nutcase cults .... sooooo

    NO BLOOD transfusions even if you are dying!

    I am not kidding!



    A bit over the top belief is that demons like to live in

    old furniture!


  • Jeffro


    demons like to live in old furniture!

    Is there a minimum age for the furniture? Only antiques? Or as soon as IKEA comes out with a newer model?

    Maybe that's why Furuli did an ad for IKEA... because if your furniture isn't up-to-date, demons might move in.

  • grumblecakes

    Thanks Clarity! Seriously What religion would rather see members die than not stnad out in a crowd? WTF!

    Yeah demons at garage sales. lolololololololololol!!!!!!!! That one still has legs. I heard a story a couple months ago about a haunted toaster. LMFAO

  • clarity

    Jeffro ...haahha I don't think that there is a minimum age for the furniture,

    but it has to be old & kind of stinky 'cause those demons seem to like that.

    Aaannd....it is even better if, at the same place, there lots of used clothing

    hanging around .......


    Grums ....

    Yup ...dying for god WT to prove your faith, makes great press, and

    especially 'cause you get a little Suicide Card to carry in your wallet too!


  • erbie

    That it is 'The Truth'

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    I think one of the hardest things to fathom is that anyone who's not a witness should not be considered a friend. Some of the best people I've known in life were never inside yet I was supposed to avoid them for fear of contamination.

    Funny how the good ones are bad and ... well you know how that goes.

  • Vidqun

    The Beard thing!

  • Vidqun

    Another one: The "millions now living will never die!" pronouncement should have warned one that something wasn't right with this lot.

  • MrFreeze

    The book of Revelation prophesied conventions back in the early 1900's... but not in order.

  • abbasgreta

    Their take on Jesus (the Michael business) and the blatant way they twist almost everything he said to suit their doctrines. eg "ALL authority has been given to ME" but Satan is the ruler of the world?? Really??? (This point is very dark indeed.) "No part of the world" instead of the correct "not of" the world.(Love being the dominant factor for Jesus' followers). So twisted. Leading to no rights as a citizen. No community support, no prayers for anyone except themselves, no gratitude for the armed forces, no 'worldy' friends, no clubs, no higher education, no national pride, no respect for Monarchs and and and..... cult mind-set. Loads more other c**p, its too pitiful.

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