I helped in setting up a Solar Training program with the International Carpenter's Union here in California, Arizona, and Ohio. In California it is connected with the Junior Colleges and a graduate gets an AA degree. I also bring young guys on board my company to train and mentor, although I am retiring soon. I worked with the Architectural graduate class at UCSD on their Off-Grid housing project, they developed homes for poor countries that did not require being connected to some major power grid or having to bring in outside power, great young people. We even worked with a solar/battery powered bug zapper to knock down the mosquitoes to help with the malaria problem.
Zimmerman Not guilty
by mouthy 480 Replies latest social current
That is really awesome. I'm impressed. Bravo to you.
Oculos Aperire
Some back ground on Zimmerman...
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/07/15/george-zimmerman-shouldnt-have-had-a-gun/In July 2005, he was arrested for“resisting officer with violence.” The neighborhood watch volunteer who wanted to be a cop got into a scuffle with cops who were questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking. The charges were reduced and then waived after he entered an alcohol education program. Then in August 2005, Zimmerman’s former fiance sought a restraining order against him because of domestic violence. Zimmerman sought a restraining order against her in return. Both were granted. Meanwhile, over the course of eight years, Zimmerman made at least 46 calls to the Sanford (Fla.) Police Department reporting suspicious activity involving black males.
Resistance is Futile
Maybe Treyvor Martin was getting lost in the dissolving of his family. He was worth saving. He was not to have come to his end with a bullett in his chest. There are millions like him and we can help them and they can have a good life. We in business have an obligation to mentor. We in any community have an obligation to the youth in our community to see they have a good future.
Designs, thank you for injecting a little positivity into this thread. It's sorely needed.
I see people on both sides committing the exact same mistake; seeing one of the participants in this tragic encounter as the "good guy". Unfortunately, by framing this incident in such a child-like way we tend to misrepresent the other side. They're both human beings with flaws and the capacity for serious lapses in judgment. Sadly, Martin was never able to learn from the mistakes he made on the night of the shooting. Neither Zimmerman nor Martin were innocent angels.
Zimmerman is unfairly portrayed as a "racist", and Martin is unfairly portrayed as a drugged out "thug". (He's dead now, can we show just the tiniest bit of respect to his family?) Dare I bring up that Zimmerman may have according to his own admission, amphetamines in his system during the shooting? I personally would have liked to know if the level of amphetamines in Zimmerman's system was significant, or in a similar minuscule amount as the THC that Martin had in his system. (I think a drug test of Zimmerman after the shooting would have been appropriate and relevant to the investigation)
We can speculate that Martin may have grown up to be another dangerous "thug" roaming the streets, but what good does that do? Does it help us rationalize the lack of empathy we have for another young adult killed? Does it help us forget that Martin had a family just like Zimmerman, a family that loved him and wanted to see him become a happy and well-adjusted member of society? We'll never know if Martin would have turned his life around. But dragging a dead young man's reputation around in order to justify his murder to ourselves is in very poor taste.
Thanks. You know our President was a lost teenage kid, got in trouble, smoked more than a few doobies. He understood the Treyvor Martin inside of himself. Thankfully he got it together with some mentoring.
Well said Resistance.
Resistance is Futile, I agree 100%. I have defended both parties in this case. How people can see it as black/white boggles my mind.
still thinking
Resistance....good post
Zimmerman certainly seems to be being painted as some sort of innocent that had no part in this and we should ignore HIS history while taking a microscope to TM's. Condemn TM for drugs...but not zim...condem TM for violence but not zim. Zim wasn't convicted...well, neither was TM. So why bring TMs history up? Was that evidence thrown out of court too?
I think this is a very sad case for all involved. And I hope that zimmerman retires his weapon.
It's clearly black / brown ... oh, you meant ...
Sorry, lame joke, couldn't resist.
Zimmerman has been painted as a racist monster which he clearly isn't. This has caused the scrutiny of Trayvon which will destroy his reputation. His family brought that on themselves when they engaged racists in their camp. I don't blame them - they were vulnerable and taken advantage of by the race-industry.
Because of thatbthough GZ probably needs his weapon more than ever and I hope he keeps it and is ready to defend himself. I don't believe he deserves the life he has now but shouldn't allow an idiot that the hype and lies from the othernside has created to take it.
Even now, they are trying to stoke things up and not calm things down. Because of that I think they are evil and cynical.