Two years before I left JW world I came to a strange conclusion about the JW cosmology and the free will doctrine.
Basically I came to conclusion that Satan is right about the universal sovereign issue. And I came with that just only using JW’s premises, no outside apostasy.
I just told to my sister what she thought about it, and she said to me: “Don’t tell anyone about this!”. LOL
Let me explain my idea:
1- Every being must possess free will.
2- If there is free will, there is the choice to evil.
3- If there is choice to evil, it can happen.
4- A perfect being can choose evil.
5- At least in the age of universe (+-13,7 bi), one third of perfect spiritual beings chose evil (1914, Final Battle). And two out three perfect human beings chose evil (Adam, Eve and Jesus between 6000 BCE and 33 CE). The only known exact trial time of a perfect human being is 33 and half years. It’s prophesized too the choice of the majority of perfect human beings at the end of millennial (among them are millennial born ins). Maybe another group of angels will rebel in that time too.
6- The choice of evil it’s not just a remote possibility, it really happened, happens now and will happen in the future (even in perfect worlds, spiritual and physical).
7- The choice of evil it’s more common than the choice of good.
8- If evil is practiced with no repentance, it must be punished with second death.
Conclusion 1 (C1)- If free will exists evil and eternal destruction must exist too.
1- There’s a universal sovereign issue.
2- To every created being came to existence before and while the issue, it must take a position in that.
3- No being can be created after the universal issue is settled.
4- This issue never more will be raised again. Everyone who question this issue will be instantly killed forever.
5- There is a finite number of beings who lived the settlement of universal issue.
6- These finite number of beings will always have free will.
7- It’s promised all pain and suffering will be deleted from our hearts. So there’s a future time when no one remember very well all the pain and suffering the humankind and angels passed through.
8- So there will be a distant future time when all the pain will be forget and that time will be just like before the raise of sovereign issue. And we back to premise 1 of conclusion 1.
9- C1- If free will exists evil and eternal destruction must exist too.
Conclusion 2 (C2) – If will be a finite number of beings bearers of free will, eventually everyone will choose evil and will be automatically killed forever.
Paradox 1 : Satan was right about the universal sovereign issue.
Paradox 2: Jehovah itself and the immortality bearers: Jesus and the 144,000.