Hey it is estimated only 200,000 people have died from not having blood since 1945. No big deal. Jim jones only killed what 2000 people. A close friend of mine had his dad die. He should just get over it. Murder is murder if children die that could have been saved. Sorry I'm not over it.
Board of bitterness
by 1009 165 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just to add if one person died it is one too many. May god have mercy on their souls.
"Bullied and abused"? Sure, individuals make mistakes, so there certainly will be people who got bullied and abused. But I am convinced that that is a minority. I didn't see or hear about any bullying or abuse in the 30 years I was in.
You didn't hear about it because anyone who complained was disfellowshipped, with no way to tell their side of the story. Sure there were nice people in the organization, and many good elders, but it is rotten at the top, to those men, nothing is as important as maintaining control and keeping the rank and file dependent, ignorant and afraid to question anything. I was like you, I left, but thought it was a good religion, just not for me. Since then my eyes have been opened. It took eight years before I felt comfortable going on a so called "apostate" website. I realized I was manipulated and lied to. Go to Howcultswork.com them come back and say the dubs don't fit the criteria. Believe me it was hard to accept that I was in a cult, that I had been that stupid, but it was true. -
Narcissistic Supply
JW's are batshit crazy. Why be bitter???
Hi 1009,
I don't think I am bitter. Dissapointed. Sad, because my hopes for the future were found to be untrue.
I had good experiences as a jw in the beginning, there were nice people, yes. But I was several times accused of things I did not do and had many meetings with elders in the back room.
I understand the sadness, frustration & anger many on jwn feel because their families and friends who are witnesses turned against them.
I was a jw for nearly all of my adult life, then I found out the TATT. It was very hard to accept. But I had doubts about things over the years & just buried them. But in my heart I knew there was something wrong.
For years I was angry towards God , I blamed him for the suffering and death of my wonderful , dear Mother. But I have worked to overcome that. I have mixed feelings now. Conflicted even.
My jw brother & his wife don't communicate with me because I stopped attending meetings. I became discouraged and stopped. Nobody from the cong. ever tried to encourage me to return or even to see how I am or why I left. There is no real love in that congregation.
For years I also felt anger towards jws, but I did not want all the negativity. I'm trying to become more balanced. But I have not forgotten the bad experiences. They have affected me.
I feel bad for those on this board who have entire families in the congregation, husbands, wives, brothers or sisters, or children, who shun them because they are no longer witnesses. It is not right.
Something that bothers me a great deal too is the arrogance of this new governing body and the hatred they have towards anyone who stopped going to meetings.
I did nothing wrong. I just stopped going. I am not an apostate, I did not switch to another religion, nor return to Judaism which I was born and raised in as are all of my relatives. I never said anything against the organizartion to anyone at the hall. I just became inactive. Yet I am ignored and viewed as being a criminal.
I have no desire to stop witnesses from being such, nor would I encourage anyone to join them. It is up to each one as to what they want to believe. If someone wanted to know why I stopped, I'd try to explain.
I have been interested in aspects of the printing industry for many years, even before I became a jw. What impressed me most was their printing operation and I still am interested in it. But to me the wt printeries are not the religion. I have no interest in any religion.
I do not believe any other religion has the truth but it does not matter to me-it's all academic.
I wondered too why there are so many on jwn who are very angry at the wts, but now I understand. People have had their lives wasted and ruined by spending it as a jw. I could have gotten a career, but, no, just part time jobs because armageddon is coming any day now and we need to put Jehovah first. Now I will have no money to retire on. I have no future to look forward to.
JWN allows us to vent, ask questions, have access to information we would not otherwise have.
I'm glad that you had many good experiences as a jw. But why did you leave?
Anyway, speaking for myself, I do not think I am bitter, and I do not hate jws. But it is not the truth, no religion is and I am disgusted by the arrogance of the new gb and their attitude , hatred and view of any who no longer want to attend meetings.
I was considering possibly going back to meetings to see what it would be like, I changed my mind after reading the July 15 wt and the hateful talk at the DC about "human apostates"
There are many good comments here. I hope your question has been answered.
1009, I don't appreciate your accusatory tone and condemnation, and your reasoning is as flawed as WTBTS's.
When visiting this site, one must give consideration that many are at various stages of recovery and reconstruction. The vast majority here are sincerely trying to move on with life in a peaceful and non-retalitory way. Many of us are in the process of reconstruction of our lives after realization that what we had worked so hard and made personal sacrifices for and with has been nothing but lies. Some have devoted the best years and even the majority of their life to the efforts of Watchtower Bible Tract Society with nothing to show for it other than regrets, not even in any supposed spiritual way of storing treasures in heaven.
When I consider this group of individuals compared to the investors of the King of Ponzi Schemes Bernie Madoff, I see similarities and differences. Quite frankly, you have no qualifications or divine appointment for your judgmental attitude either. You state that if we don't claim to have the truth we cannot judge who is right and wrong. I may not know the full truth of the universe, but I can with confidence tell you that Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's teachings are not only incorrect, but intentionally fabricated lies, even they admit that by changing their teachings regularly claiming "new light". So basically, shut your trap up.
And yes, JW are definitly wrong. But I cannot blame JW for what the believe.
I'm not sure blame is the right word.
There's a general irrational view in society about respecting beliefs. But irrational beliefs do not themselves deserve any respect. If certain beliefs are demonstrably false, as are JW beliefs, then they're just wrong.
People deserve respect in that they have a right to believe whatever they like - even if they believe something stupid. But even that kind of respect of beliefs is not absolute. If someone believes they can jump off a tall building without being injured, it doesn't mean it would be disrespectful to try to stop them by pointing out their flawed thinking.
Everyone is different. I'm glad you feel so well-adjusted after leaving the Witnesses.
But,if we can't occasionally vent here,where else can we go? lol.
I have read literal horror stories on this board. Some have gone through much abuse and lost their families. Some,like me,can't be 100% open with those they love. So,if they want to discuss these issues with those who have gone through the same,then,why not
Actually,I see more depressed and complaining people at the Kingdom Hall then I read here.
You were in for 30 years and have no family or friends there??
Band on the Run
Don't ever think only JWs engage in atrocious behavior. I purposely chose the religion the furthest away from the WT in doctrine, music (well, every church tends to have some good music, but not you know who). manners, education, long history. Also, the best use of English in the world. I thought I was in heaven for many years. Sometimes it is best not to linger in any denomination.
Bam. Slam. Out of the Blue. Let me also say this my evaluation of the entire religion was very skewed. I later found out I was just in the only place in the religion where the things that matter most to me happen. So I thought the Anglican Church was perfection. Yes, I was sometimes outraged by minor flaws. After the Witness, almost any religion would seem heaven. For geographical reasons, too, I just continuously acted with the top people in the city. Others warned me they were not typical. I can't investigate every church every place in detail.
So I am in exile. I attend some local church. My mom is not Anglican and she hates it immediately. Suddenly, I have a free weekly ride back to NY. Three hours each way so she is not triggered. The priest in x, a remote outpost, is not even a real priest. Yet in all my dealings with bishops of New York, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Presiding Bishop, I never ever saw any man strut and love very mundane thought the way this women did. My former JW me is screaming run but I don't run. I use my intellect. She is not that bad. Well, this isn't that bad.
Well, you think the WT is bad. The most humuliating experience of my entire life did not happen in any KH but a relatively dinky Episcopal Church. B/c I tend to talk to seminarians about some academic Jesus junk, I've heard every horror story about bad priests. She surpassed everyone. If I relate anyting that happened, I will lose my mind. All the while it was happening my academic, lawyer mind knew all I had was walk out and make a single phone call and she is dead in larger Episcopal churches no matter her ties to the local bishop. By happenstance, I accidently found out years later just how evil she was. My first gut reaction was correct in a massive way. Yes, the Bishop of Philadelphia covered up a very bad case of pedophilia by his own brother. She was his chief supporter when the other priests and laity combined demanded his immediate resignation upon absolute proof. Well, if the bishop just cried and retired, he might still receive a pension. He did his job well except his most important role. Guess who decided not to retire and invoke a never used canonical law clause to stay.
While I am being humiliated, I pray to my Inner Jesus to visit my long term church in NY where I had the most fun. It has eccentric, artists, investment bankers, you name it, it has it. Well, I walk in full of good will expecting a priceless encounter,.. BAM SLAM. I can't take it so I start dropping names I would never do. The person insulting me knows all the names and secret code. IT GETS WORSE. There are times to restrain all your flaws and be bold. Knock, Knock, I am the Bishop's Door. Within two second I know in my soul that the rector is going to get massive payback. I was not conscious of it at the time. In fact, I expected him to minimize it. No, he went out of his way to assure me knocking on the bishop's door in a slightly demanding way was the right thing to do. I had my doubts. Well, I thought I was just the right person at the right time. Never before has someone so invested in a church who just happened to know so many leaders yet never once demanded.......He was outraged. His eyes and body language confirmed it. Just write an email to x and x. You already know X. X is still alive. Oh, I am so happy. X would never tolerate if he knew. Our heads are nodding in unison.
The email was delayed b/c I worried about the best language and order. I forced myself to send it on behalf of all the people abused when I was not around. Now they will never ever enter any Christian church forever. Why am I not surprised there has not been any response and it happend five months ago.
Linger around any religion you think is perfect long enough. We think the WT is the most extreme in the world. This is the advantage of NY and the exposure to people you don't want to know. The WT is very bad but it is very good compared to most religions. I once thought it was only Christianity. Well, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs are around me. As soon as it is diplomatic, I briefly tell them what I witnessed. All religions every place have their evils. I see strengths in me that I would not have were it nor my hell years in the WT. Granted, they are minor and not serious but they are there. British people already know this. For some reason, the one Roman Catholic I always adored was St. Thomas More, the top lawyer to Henry VIII who had strict boundaries and was beheaded. Everyone adores St. Thomas More. Well, through my interest in Henry VIII and his wives, I accidently stumbled upon the fact that he was truly a saint for two seconds of his life. Most of his life he hunted down women and tortured them then burned them. Of all the mean people burning people at the stake, he was the most evil. The general public only hears about St. Thomas More's life between a few years. No one bothers to read what he did before that time. The acts are public record. TV shows, films, books always stress the evil of Thomas Cromwell. Thomas Cromwell was bad but he was a saint compared to St. Thomas More. It is more nuanced but who cares!
The WT needs to be restrained not murdered. They do have vast resources. Yet this is NY boldness. Compared to most religions, they have two pennies. We can't think straight about how to mess with the WT b/c we are its victims. Money can be acquired for good purposes. You may think I am an idiot fool but I already have some ideas about how to tap certain reserves. If you stop thinking the ACLU has six zillion lawyers instantly ready to sue every fool on earth with prepared briefs, arguments at a momen'ts notice, you might win. The ACLU has money despite always favoring the most reviled causes in America. If you ever, ever blab about extreme shunning or massive this or gigantic this, the lawyer might murder you. I am an ACLU lawyer and within two second of just seeing the first titles, I wanted to kill all of you.
We are a minor cause. If I go in and demand things b/c I am an exJW, I will be in hell. Perhaps acknowledging that the WT is not evil incarnate all the time might get you some attention from a super ACLU lawyer who wants to train a promising law student. Don't kill all the good will you deserve. Go for big time powerful and restrain your primitive feelings. Just say, Look, admittedly it is not bad. But you are an ACLU lawyer so you know more about dehumanization than I do. The slow, steady constant drip for years of bad but not heinous, atrocious may be worse than being whipped or lynched. I realize you do not have the resources to help me but could you please help me with a referral or an idea. It is not only me. My entire family is affected. We only know other JWs so no one else can understand how little but steady bad things can cripple you. There is a website called JWN (which is no exaggeration. it is truth) and I thought I was the only one affected. One day I glanced at the traffic and I was stunned, the number was xxxxxx,xxxxx. There are worse things I know that but this is my personal catastrophe. Please help if you can in any way with fresh insight. You see I just wash dishes so I can't afford the legal power and the experience that you have. No, it is not ACLU ready.
A strange thing occurred. Someone who was massively shamed by the same, steady drip of bad but grandiose bad things decided to become an ACLU lawyer and even worked on major ACLU cases. For personal reasons, she can't give her name. I know nothing about law. She may be wrong about many things but somehow my gut knows she is right. She explained to me about legal stuff. It goes over my head. She told us we are not NAACP worthy. I am desperate on a personal level. No,, I can't sleep. You were never one of us so you never encountered hardship in your life. HELP ME. She said only the best ACLU can help but it can never solve this problem I had no idea but religion is the one topic the ACLU will always defend. It shocked me because you always defend every worthy person all the time on TV, stage, and film. Maybe everything she said is wrong, but I don't know what to do. You see, you are Jewish, and this is a Crhistian group. No, you are black and all Witness are white. Oh my I realize no person can know everything all the time.
This will invite the ACLU lawyer as a person to walk on the wild side for an ACLU lawyer. A desperate real life person they can never help because of all the entire range of ACLU cases this is the hardest to crack. Yet even in my own religion....No, stop, I am ACLU! I made my value choices long ago. Genuine tears fall down the pleaders face. Inside at some remote level the most rabid ACLU lawyer may lower his ever vigilant guard against favoring religions the most. Well, no ACLU lawyer ever solves all the problems. Yet lawyers who do ACLU are already committed to helping underdogs. The WT already knows everything I Just explained. Well, it is against all ACLU behavior. Who knows what drove him to the most outrageous thing in the whole world. He calls a very close friend who has repeatedly proven that the friend never repeatws confidences. The friend just happens to know X, a Sikh triggered by Y, Christ can come and no ACLU lawyer would ever take on any religion- even the worst ones. The ACLU knows why. No other lawyer may understand why there is one rule with no exceptions. Someone on this earth has to know some legal, decent way to restrain the WT in an elegant fashion.
This is why you never compete to know x or give your version of what happened in someone's favorite book of all time. STOP. No judge in any common law jurisdiction anywhere will ever, ever touch a religion. Yes, laws of universal appicability that are necessary but are proven to have no intent to harm a particular religion are applicable to all religions, even in America. Well, my, I am a kindergarten student so I know that. Well, because I know that stray piece of reality devoid of all context and experience, I will take down the worst religion of all time. It is so much worse than any slave owner, Tian Men Square, oh my, what that did to all sixties activists, Kent State, John Lennon's assasinatioin, the hundreds of millions Hitler burned into crispy chips, no b/c I once endured a minor hardship, no please break all rules just for me.
I've worked major ACLU at all but the very highest levels over my life. As a college student, I have to hear every hard luck story in the world that breaks my heart and soul. Some stories are so bad that even tho I don't know any lawyers and believe they eat children for breakfast, I interrupt because this is the exception. Well, I accidently found out that all ACLU lawyers start at what I am doing. They are so used to hard luck stories that they in very private moments, they mimick all the hard luck stories. Life is not a competition about hard luck stories. Of all humans ever on earth, ACLU lawyers have heard every variation of hard luck on a massive level when they are in college. ,,,,
Excuse me, I was there. But yes, laws of universal applicability........... Wait, this boggles my mind. Some other human knows more than I do. OMG, someone saw that and was interested. She pullked down volumes from the highest shelves, special Internet searches. you name it, she did it. She went to a superb law school. She is so academic yet she takes to real live ACLU lawyers to see if some legal rule exists in real life. She is certain from her experience that even tho it says what it says, it does not work that way in real life. No, she is an excellent lawyer, she tracks down the very ACLU expert and asks her question in a concise way. No, it may say that. Yes, there are two cases. They are the exception to the rule. Never will any legal group ever slaughter any religion. Well, she was born into the one group in the world that specializes in stupidity. She does not argue with the world's foremost expert. No, she already knew at a deep gut level the answer before she even read the rule or the cases.
She no longer thinks JW. No, she has been so enmeshed for so long in the opposite of the JW, that now the things she most waned...well, now when someone anywhere mentions destroying the United States of America she will murder, if necessary, that person. All decent lawyers are told in the most extreme cases, you must be prepared to murder for certain values. Only a few, Well, if you want to put a nuance on i t...Equal Protection goes out the door, Due Proess-out for a short while. There is very valid precedent in American history. The Civil War happened and ol' honest Abe was a TYRANT. In fact, even tho I know everything about law b/c I heard some stray phrase once, Chief Justice Taney and Abe hated each other. Lincoln would never be a tyrant but in emergencies, even decent people must restrict freedom to survive. The United States can never the US without the slave owning South. Yes, I despise them with my core. We still need them or we will have no existence. Yet even when the writ of habeus corpus is suspended, and large regions of the US are under total martial law, one freedom is not sacrificed. Maybe the Tyrant is so bad that he destroys freedom of speech so that in a short while, all Americans can have free speech. There is one legal area that no even the evil tyrant messed with. Well, OMG, I know everything about everything but...Yes, it was freedom of religoin.
Within one minute here, any lawyer from real ife would flee. You have only encountered the lawyers so shamed by JWs that they are willing to endure the shame of some lawyer with absolute control of their lives ever finding out that they stayed for more than one second. No, it is not the personal revelations. Every lawyer here knows. I knew no one here. Yet all my inner core was telling me to flee. It is telling me I need to warp out of here now. This is no time to invent ever extreme ways of teaching basic civics. Forget high school civics. One particular lawyer who knows when to flee elsewhere lingers. Why? Within one second, she knows you are evil scum. Yet she stays because decades ago she was a JW. A devout JW. Well, only for six months but she knows the feeling. IN all her life, she has never encountered such a worthy group in need of emergency, basic government principles and a crash course il Law .00000000001. Stat. Now I can never reveal under strictest confidence that I stayed here to even a therapist. One thing I know more than law. Don't stay when your gut is screaming Flee!.
Within two days, I had a rough idea of which leaders may appear leaders but are scams. Even scams are useful for certain purposes. Every major firm has a thug partner b/c lawyers must also be thugs. God protect us from well meaning liberals. Why? Good people go out with all sincerity and mess up good groups all over the world. I heard that at fourteen. Did I understand it? No? I am no longer twelve. This place needs no experts in anything. The more time I spend here, you can continue to amaze me. Worthwile talent is under your nose. The answer to your prayers is here. There are many people here. Mature people with life experience. I can only speak for law. There are awesome lawyers here. No one out of law school is awesome. So awesome lawyers have some experience. Many a good business lawyer was ruined for life by an encounter with a single client. We have strong boundaries.
You want to think that law, government is the answer to your prayers! I knew it would never be at two. Thank God that no one here doing good works in their heart but messing with every witness /former witness' lives could never communicate with any law or government person.
When I started this, I expected to be banned and never ever communicate with people I cherish now. I prefer baby steps. Why did I go for bold? I shocked myself. I already told friends this group is worthless. Some groups can never be saved. Indeed, I already discussed my fascination with this site with a special psychiarist. I was completely astonished but other people do too, This is why you need to have some monitor over the threads. I can never censor. One glance by any doctor, engineer, college student, at EXTREME SHUNNING MUST BE OUTLAWED and I was convinced no one here had any brains. Just run. Well, Chaserious has been at law school for three years. He now has a bar exam. So I am not the only whore here. A WT lawyer is closer to me than you are in vast regions of my brain. I know what they are thinking. The decent, bright, perhaps incredibly talented in their own field, don't have the clue about law that I've had seen among taxi drivers, people in housing projects.
NEVER THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL. So many people here have repeatedly tried in the most polite ways to tell you what I am telling you. They aren't people that mediocre news shows will ever have on air. The NYT will never quote what is here that is good if all they see is such crap. Yet there are also many people here that a NYT reporter would ford streams, etc. to interview and quote. The Times always has a color story. Some interesting personal story that seems to have no connection to the news is on the front page almost every day. This cause is worth the NYT front page when marketed correctly for the NYT. Indeed, the Wall Street Journal always does in its way. Perhaps the NYT, Washington Post, WSJ, New Yorker wanted to expand their Roman Catholic abuse coverage. They once heard on the subway that there is the same problem in a weird, eccentric American religion so now their coverage of he Roman Catholic scandal will no longer appear to Catholics everywhere that a major inst'n is targeting Roman Catholics. No, they might need balance in a hurry. They probably entered this forum to get a feel for research. The NYT is not Dateline. It goofs but rarely. So a Columbia journalism student meanders in her to help a seasoned reporter. Any message is now negated by EXTREME SHUNNING. Remember, the NYT specializes in foreign countries. Their reporters routinely see the worst of all human behavior. Next, they come across :FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPINGS. Well, I wanted to flee and see a shrink immediately. Very few people are like me. B/c I stayed here, I now know that a vast portion of thi s board is not a moron. Privately, there is nothing wrong with EXTREME or FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPINGS. Combine it, with some more powerful example, Rick Simons is now in intense negotiations with the WT over something very important.
All his opponents have to say is 'EXTREME SHUNNING" AND "FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPINGS." Simons has now just lost whatever leverage he may have had over even a JW lawyer. When you get to the type of lawyer the WT has retained, I can tell you what will happen from vast experience. Lawyers love drama. No word is said. With a flourish and a click, the evil good lawyer for the WT just has to point to particular titles and you lose. It happens all the time. Did anyone see Jodie Arias?
Despite the presence of the many, many people here who already know what I am saying from their own cleaning service, academic department, whatever is major, people know certain rules. Wording is important. Please I hear EXTREME and OUTRAGEOUS and THE WORST IN HUMAN HISTORY over a stray hair at a top salon all the time. Is a stray hair worthy of it? No, but I also use that language. I never, never use in public or near anyone I suspect may overhear by accident. Everyone needs to exaggerae it. Everyone hear knows what you mean by EXTREME. The reality is yes, it is extreme. It terrorized me for decades. Lots of people may be reading some article that mentions JW something. All of a sudden they know they can spend only two seconds and learn more about JWs. What is the first thing they see "the garbage stuff." No, it is not garbage stuff. It is real. Yet compared to all people on earth at any time, we have it great. Time is faster than ever today. People see "EXTREME: or "FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPINGS-- they will not believe anything of true merit.
So I wonder if Simon ever suggested this before: People need to vent. Why not refrain from dramatics for two seconds and try to word the titles in a way that says the same thing but does not convince every casual outsider who comes here that all former JWs are nitwits. I know the person who titled that "EXTREME: is a very nice person with the best intentions. They are wonderful in their narrow area. Think of growing up in NJ-where you can literally breathe the air of what seems to be the centre of the universe. You can smell it all the time. Some bozo does not tie his shoes and wham, it is an international news story. My first encounters with NY and even to this day were wonderful, extraordinary. I did not grow up in Manhattan. In the entire region, I grew up in the least Manhattan. It was terrifying for me. I had so many awful, embarassing experiences. For vast portions of my life I knew nothing. Am I the leading expert in civl rights? No, there are thousands better than me. Am I best judge of NY? No, there are millions better than me. Do I waste so much time ever constantly trying to tell peoplel to just sharpen their appearance to the real world and they can take on the New York Times instead of Dateline? Never. B/c it sends a signal to people who might want to cripple me in the future that I have no sense.
So many people here are lawyers but for a host of reasons never reveal it. Don't mistake lack of participation for lack of interest or presence. I will never reveal confidences, names or anything about anyone but exJWs are the most protected of all people. Don't think lawyers get together and betray confidences in secret rooms. It may happen once. My closest friend did it. I adore her. Well, I had to scream and threaten my own dear friend with the worst consequences. She only stopped b/c she knows that if I had to, I would run like hell to rat her out to the most proper person. Lawyers never scream the way I do here. Clients come and go. We try not to care about clients, esp. in private life. No, if I wanted to truly know the character of a group, I would never read press or do word of mouth. You only disguise yourelf, sit back, and observe for a few months. God or someone invites the most typical examples of great behavior and bad behavior before your very eyes in a short time span.
Extreme and Dateline done improperly close doors. They never open doors. Never. It may appear to you that they are wide open for a short while, no, they are only shutting tighter. The worse thing is not a door closing but not knowing doors closed because people deliberately give you the impression that they are open to mess with your mind even more. Govt, law, medicine could never function if it worked the way it is portrayed on tv, films, books, and good newspapers. The NYT goes for both a general public and a special, elite public. Despite years of being present at political events and even law, I thought real ife was a certain way. Every time I try to tell you something, I lose what little power I have. I was present at events that seemed boring. Through complete accident, I met someone who told me about some weird thing. I read the NYT for decades and never saw why powerful people everywhere read it. Once you know certain rather arbitray things, immense, rewarding levels open to you by reading the NYT. Once people see that you mastered a certain level, you are selected on a trial basis to experience more advanced NYT. Well, now I can see a call out but most people would not see it. All professions do this. Humans of every walk of life do it. The one to never see a reputable press person is to ever, ever exaggerate.