Service Report UK Jan2002

by dmouse 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    Expat: Do you happen to have the baptisms for January? I keep track, just to keep the society honest. And, I don't feel like going to a meeting this month.

    Oh, and the other "publisher-enhancer" is the change in the collection mechanism. The reports are now collected by the Book Study conductor. Since he has fewer people to look after, he can hound them for their time more effectively.

    The numbers will take a small jump this month, but unless the baptisms improve, the malaise will set in again next year.

  • expatbrit


    Baptisms for January were 59.

    Good point about the book-study reporting thing. My personal opinion is that this will be a very temporary jump. The more they try to squeeze, the more sand will be forced through their fingers.


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