BOE Letter: Re: Safety precautions when attending spiritual programs

by pixel 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley
    Funny, in the Awake! the source is attributed, but not in the letter which is to be read to all congregations.

    Once material is quoted in WT literature it becomes the property of the governing body. No need to acknowledge the source from that point on.

  • frankiespeakin

    As the elderly JWs ratio to younger JWs continues to climb with more and more young ones leaving the rate of falling down will increase proportionally, thus the need to avoid accidents on KH properties to avoid insurance claims draining the WT funds since they supply the insurance to most KHs.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    They're just taking care of their due diligence that way when 80 year old brother Zealous slips on the stairs because he was "calling" out to someone WT is safe and in the clear because they provided the warnings.

    Liability protection at its best.

  • WTWizard

    Even safer: Don't go at all. That way, you can avoid the accidents on the highway on your way to the a$$embly. You might even get lucky enough to avoid a fire where the venue catches fire and traps people inside (and the program goes on despite the fire alarms going off), or having heat stroke because you are stuck in the sun on a hot day. Besides, you will save plenty of money and time--at that, which would have been spent on negative value.

  • jwfacts

    Because of our deep interest and concern for the well-being of all in attendance

    They always need to talk themselves up, and find a way to make everything about the leaders and how great they are.

  • WTWizard

    Another point: What about safety while in field circus? People can and do fall on stairs, but it is not really that common. I myself have seen maybe half a dozen situations where someone falls on stairs in my lifetime. Usually, they get back up within 10 minutes. Falls on ice are more common, but even those are usually wimpy affairs. I myself have fallen on ice, usually where there is a patch of unexpected ice or where a sticky spot unexpectedly appears. Those sticky spots are as dangerous as the slick spots. However, I am usually back up within 5 seconds with, at worst, a sore bottom.

    What is more dangerous are the accidents on the highways. While going in field circus, people also need to watch out when crossing the street. I don't know how often someone got out of the car, in a hurry to start their time, and could have been hit with a car while crossing the street. To me, that hurts a bit more than a fall down stairs or on ice. They also need to know when householders are not in the mood, since there is nothing worse than being such an idiot that you go to a door where you know they don't want the message and someone with a gun or can of pepper spray shows up, or a dog is unleashed on them. Usually, these incidents can be avoided if the witlesses would only use common sense and not go to such calls.

    Another neglected area in safety is going into houses with dangerous conditions. At least, at the a$$embly, railings are in good condition. Householders' places--well, that's another story. You grab a handrail, only to find that it is flimsy or can be pulled out of the ground with moderate force. Stairs are in bad condition--at a$$emblies, they are usually in fine shape. And I have seen halls where trip hazards are worse than at any a$$embly, and it is also badly lit. And halls where they are one blown light bulb away from being in pitch dark. Try going down the stairs when the lights go out or the bulb blows. How many witlesses make a practice of carrying a reliable flashlight in that eventuality? I never did while I was one, nor did I see anyone else do that.

    And what about those idiots that are at the a$$embly when they are too sick? I have seen people that walked with great difficulty going into areas where it was not safe, and usually these are the ones to fall (or have heart attacks during the program). Wouldn't it be better to make a rule that, if you are too sick or laid up to walk safely, you should not go to these a$$emblies? What is the hardship of recording the program for later disbursement? These things can be uploaded onto the official site and available as streaming or MP3 files. That way, people most at risk of falling (and getting heart attacks or spreading tuberculosis) would not have to endure these issues.

  • Tech49

    I thought I would weigh in on this topic:

    This is a perfect example of the infantile jibberish that is a complete waste of time.

    So let me get this straight.... we are going to waste a 10 min part at the Service Meeting by having a "discussion" of how to walk slowly and not wear the wrong shoes, and to be careful to not leave stuff in the aisles, and to not save seats that we arent going to use, and to show the common decency to let the older, infirm folks have the seats on the floor??

    The dumbing-down of the brothers, treating them like they are 5th graders is a sign of 2 things....... #1: Obviously they need to be instructed on what shoes to wear and how to walk slowly. Stupid..... they are just plain dumb in general. #2: It's really sad that the general tone of meeting programs/instruction and literature topics and articles, what with the "simplified" versions of EVERYTHING..., is degrading to gradeschool levels.

    No more "meat and potatoes" subjects or discussions. Service Meetings are now a repetition of "walk slowly", and "here is your tract, goodbye". Anyone with half a brain is tired of it, and either doesnt participate, or is like many (including myself) that are really seeing the larger picture, and are doing something about their own lives. It speaks volumes as to the level of intelligence of the "brothers".

    It is just sickening. The level and quality of anything remotely educational and mentally stimulating and invigorating is GONE. It's like we have to program our zombies for another day of zombiness, otherwise they wont be able to function.

    Oh, and we need your help to build our zombie-proof when can you come over and play?


  • adamah

    Tech49 said-

    It is just sickening. The level and quality of anything remotely educational and mentally stimulating and invigorating is GONE.

    Yeah, as a kid I remember how the Society put out ambitious works like 'Aid to Bible Understanding', which actually attempted to offer a semblance of help in trying to untangle the use of symbology and cultural context presented in the OT/NT. As Armageddon failed to materialize, the WT has focused on targeting those with less education, increased their reliance on purely emotional appeals (have you seen the prodigal son video, with the histrionic JW mother!?), since their prior efforts towards intellectualism only encouraged rational thinking in members that only helped them to clearly see the evidence of the WT's manipulation and scripture-twisting.

    You've got to wonder if the old-school JWs perceive the 'dummying down' in the literature, or just think they're actually getting smarter?


  • nugget

    I noticed the buzz word modest with reference to footwear. So high heeled shoes are considered immodest and dangerous. I can't see all the young sisters swap their statement shoes for flats somehow.

  • NewYork44M

    Did you cut of the part that says this was written by our legal department, and if you fall don't come to use for compensation because it is your own damn fault.

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