Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close? Here is the "official" answer
by sir82 120 Replies latest jw friends
frankiespeakin - "...with all these child molestation lawsuits hitting the courts, angry disfelloshipped members, and embarrasing blood issue, they better high tail it into the Boonies where they can minimize exposure to Satan's world."
I'm certain that's a huge factor in the decision.
I also suspect that (assuming the conditions you mentioned continue to escalate - a Perfect Storm if I ever saw one), they may anticipate having a significantly pruned-down version of the Organization to more easily support the fiction that individual congregations are more independent than they actually are, in order to distance themselves legally from the more egregious f**kups made by members acting under Society orders.
If anyone find this apparent relinquishment of authority somewhat hard to believe, remember that the WTS has historically done whatever it deemed neccessary to ensure its own survival; if the WTS feels that it has to pare down the Org to give the impression that it is not legally responsible for the actions of the rank-and-file, it may well do it (not that I'm suggesting that it will relinquish its authority over the R&F for real, mind you).
Plus, it might give the WTS a means of cutting congregations loose that it feels it can't control (or aren't bringing in enough revenue flow); kind of a "Don't like the rules? Fine! Say goodbye to your congregation's affiliation!" pretext.
I could be wrong.
with all these child molestation lawsuits hitting the courts, . . . . . . I'm certain that's a huge factor in the decision.
I'm still betting my money that there is a change in Ownership on the properties. I suspect a NEW corporation that cannot ever be drug into any future lawsuits now will own all the Real Estate and all sizeable a$$et$. The OLD corporations will eventually be bankrupt (or nearly so) which will make them less of a target for attorneys hoping to cash in with the next Candace Conti. I believe it was the WTS of NY that took the hit in the Conti award.
Is there anyway to see who (what Corp) really holds the deed/title to the various WT properties?
In an effort to squelch the rumblings that some may have, I forsee a 'watchtower' study article coming out in the near future, based upon Lot fleeing out of the corrupt city.
There will be analogies made between the 'faithful' and Lot's wife who turned to look back.
Coming to a watchtower near you.
I wonder if they are taking lessons from David Koresh and Jim Jones.
Bangalore - "I wonder if they are taking lessons from David Koresh and Jim Jones."
It's hard to imagine the WTS becoming violent extremists.
However (like I said on page one of this thread), one of the first warning signs that an apocalyptic group is going off the rails is withdrawal to a rural setting/compound.
It seems like they can't make any money off of printed material any more, so downsizing, selling property, asking for more donations and free labor to build more structures, which in turn can be liquidated, and repeat the cycle for as long as you can seems to be the new money generator for the WT corporation. It is a dying faulty prediction business that is trying to keep the cash flow positive by utilizings it assets(indoctrinated free labor and loyalty to the Corporation), for all that they can get.
Why is almost everyone calling Warwick "UPSTATE NY ",
this is not near Lake Placid, the Olympic site but instead
it is very close to the urban sprawl of New Jersey, NY City,
close to direct super roads going north south and east.
barely out of reach of a badly aimed cluster of multible warheads targeted for ground zero. it is
Not a perfect retreat of last resorts.
Instead, under Jehovah’s direction the building was later transformed into a dormitory and school, called the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead.
"Under Jehovah's Direction"??!!!!
How was the change from a "place of refuge" to the "Gilead School" done "under Jehovah's Direction"?
Did someone at Bethel receive "instructions" directly from Jehovah, such as when Moses received directions from God in the Bible?
Very presumptuous of The Watchtower claiming that something was done under "Jehovah's Direction", especially as there is no way to prove that statement!
DesirousofChange - "I suspect a NEW corporation that cannot ever be drug into any future lawsuits now will own all the Real Estate and all sizeable a$$et$. The OLD corporations will eventually be bankrupt (or nearly so) which will make them less of a target for attorneys hoping to cash in with the next Candace Conti."
That hadn't occurred to me, but it would make sense.
I've heard of some corporate entities that structure themselves that way; the CEO and board of directors don't actually own the company's assets; the company entity does.
Pretty weaselly, if that's the WTS's intention.