"I dont want to see anyone destroyed, Idont believe that all non Jw's are wolves and I think the god of the bible has more blood on his claws and chin than any wolf, not to mention he has more bloodhsed in mind. I am a human being and I respect the lives of other human beings, you may indeed resort to simple stories to justify the unjustifiable, to make logical the unlogical all you want.... But take a look out your house window, take a look at the people you live with, work with... Take a big deep breath and glance at all the humans you occupy this planet with. Telll me that you are better than them, that they deserve to die and that you to live, with your box of sand..... This is fundementalist extremism saturated in judgment and bloodshed, i no longer want for it, I no longer shamefully pray for it and I want no part of it, ironically a stand that makes me a wolf in your eyes."
Need Help - Looks like some one in my family got to know that we are fading...
by MissConfused 48 Replies latest jw experiences
Presumably, had a little lamb escaped, got a dirty and matted coat then returned, the callous farmer would have turned his back on this one as well.
I think it's the blind farmer who needs to be replaced with one who has compassion and discernment.
I heard versions of this same story back in the late 1950's and 60's.
It worked then and still does.
Bottom line: God is not going to destroy you because you do not belong to a religion that teaches falsehoods and practices cult like behavior.
I have heard all these illustrations before from other CO's. They must have a list that they swap around. We called this one " puppy wolf." It's a great guilt tripper. Jesus, the now reigning King of the Universe, the being who loved you enough to die for you, is going to blast your head off because you don not believe the WTBTS's " ideas " and interpretations of scripture. There is another good one about being in paradise. You are summoned to the KH, you don't know why. Then as you approach, a resurrected loved one run's to meet you! It's wonderful! As you talk, the loved one asks, " Where is so and so?" You have to tell them," The [ blank family ] didn't make it. They didn't go out in service.." I kid you not...
So GOD has allowed evil to influence you during your entire life, but now he is going to kill you for not being part of the Jehovah's Witnesses movement. That makes perfect sense. I would play dumb. Make your family specify what it is they think you are doing, and why. Make them commit to judging you, and then proceed to use your power of reason. Make them really think about what they are saying or accusing you of. Depending on what they say, the conversation could go any number of directions. You could always come back here for suggestions. Also, realize that it is all projections of their own fear and guilt. They do not really "know" GOD at all.
Get them to watch this series... it uses the 'wolf amongst the sheep' illustration to a much better effect:-
100% in agreement with OnTheWayOut and Exwhyzee. These stories are very cleverly designed to pull at the heartstrings and misinterpret reality. A wolf is a wolf is a wolf...a different kind of dog altogether.
Soppy sentimentaility is what it is appealing to....and that is not realistic....but there is a type of mentality that just sops it up eagerly.
It just denotes how ignorant JW's are. I for one don't care to engage ignorant people even if they are close family.
Or you could say:
I am not a wolf, or a sheep, or a farmer.
I am human, and can change, unlike the wolf.
Unlike the wolf, I can learn about what I was taught, and I can, and have, changed.
To try to use this flawed illustration shows how weak your argument is for keeping me locked into a religion that forbids dissent, or individuality.
This story is completely backwards.
I also find it interesting that the farmer in the story picking off wolves with his rifle...BOOM!....is Jesus.
If you are still in and trying to keep your fade a secret, just thank them for sendign the notes, say you aren't sure why they are sending them but its always good to hear from you blah blah blah.
Haha! Julia - you got it right. The farmer in this parable is really stupid and unthinking. Of course to make the point the speaker wanted to make, you cant have an intelligent farmer, but you can have an 'unthinking' and 'uncritical' audience, who will gullibly swallow this stupid parable.
Let's look at the parable from a critical perspective.
And, lets think for the dumb farmer. According to witness theology (which believes the Bible implicitly), animals do not think, they are "unreasoning" and act on instinct. Who placed that 'instinct' in the animal brain? Why, their creator (Yahweh), of course.
So when the wolves, acting on instinct, get hungry, they look for something to eat. Being 'unreasoning' ( from a Christian perspective) they cannot tell that the sheep belong to a farmer. Yahweh did not bother to place such information in the wolf's brain (how forgetful of Yahweh).
So therefore the farmer, when he shoots the wolves, is acting against the arrangement of nature as organised by Yahweh, and therefore is in opposition to Yahweh, which means that the farmer is doing the will of Satan, and will be destroyed at Armageddon.
That farmer needs to repent for his foolish actions.
Am I right?