Thanks guys, just felt so much better by reading each of your comments. Had a potluck party at our home today with our worldy friends first time and we felt so at ease and ourselves!!! :D .. Just sent a typical 'thank you for your concern mail'!!! Leaving just at that right now. Feel like publishing these kinda scare tactics in media and letting to know what JWs actually are, killing the critical thinking power.
Need Help - Looks like some one in my family got to know that we are fading...
by MissConfused 48 Replies latest jw experiences
Since they're talking about wolves, why don't you reply with the story of The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' and then at the end put these dates: 1874, 1914, 1919, 1925, 1943, 1975, 2000.
Letter from a close family member... Need help responding...
What a powerful illustration of the affect that our choice of friends can have on us, especially if we leave Jehovah after being 'raised' by him from infancy!___Missconfused
The only wolves that talk are from the WTS
Since they're talking about wolves, why don't you reply with the story of The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' and then at the end put these dates: 1874, 1914, 1919, 1925, 1943, 1975, 2000.
Winston Smith -- good one!
Good one, Winston and Pistoff.
If it looks like a wolf and acts like a wolf if is a wolf right? It will never be a sheep! So the shepherd willingly took a wolf in of which he knew would never, ever become a sheep. So the shepherd endangered the sheep in the first place.
To make things even worse: who told the wolf the truth? The shepherd? Or the wolves? The shepherd denied the origin of the wolf and wanted to change it into a sheep... the wolves told the cub the truth and wolves would do what they should do: hunt for prey.
Also... the wolf in the illustration was going with the pack but was not attacking showing that he was not the same as the rest... the shepherd killed him anyways (so far for mercy).
So in all these occasions it was a dumb illustration
Thanks DeWandelaar.. I am so tempted to send what you have mentioned here, with everyones' bits as well... . May be i will... Will let y'all know how that goes..! Cheers!
That letter was a bunch of condescending hoo-ha. Seriously.
A wolf is a wolf. It couldn't have changed if it wanted to, that is its fate-to be a wolf. A man can wear a dress, pantyhose and get a perm and even if he rearranges his boy parts, his DNA tells the tale.
But none of that matters because its a stupid analogy in any case.
That was so rude. I can't think of any nonJW that would send something like that.