Jesus is not AN alternative to religion.

by Fernando 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    One might argue that he is the alternative.

    Yet he is also much more.

    He is also religion's nemesis (enemy) and antithesis (opposite).

    This is why the builders of Babylon (religion) stumble at the real Jesus, and instead teach another - one who supposedly appoints human mediators a.k.a. the ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy (eg GB/FDS/Sanhedrin).

    (1 Peter 2:4-8; 2 Corinthians 11:4; 1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:6)

    For a fresh perspective on the Bible book Revelation that unveils or reveals the mystery that is religion versus Jesus - Jesus: Victor Over Religion
  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Good point. I believe in Jesus to a great extent but not religion.

  • mP


    SO you believe in Jesus who repeats to pay taxes and be a good slave, but never not once condemns slavery, inequality of women, pedophila and more. Why is Jesus so concerned with helping governments and so little concerned with helping the poor and the weak ?

    Jesus was an areshole just like Mohammad. Of course muslims will tell you that he loves everyone and then you look at what he did, taught and wrote down. The scales clearly show he was concerned with helping Rome out. Theres not a single story or parable about giving money to orphans, treating women well and so on.

  • Watkins

    mp - Jesus spoke to the world he was in - slavery then, I think, was much like 'employment' is today - we do slave away for our employers, don't we - and the same 'rules' apply.

    As far as women go - Jesus broke Jewish rules by even talking to women! (Samaritan woman at the well)

    Giving money to the synagogue, like in the illustration of the widow's mite - was, in part, for dispersion to the poor and needy.

    Giving taxes to the Roman government which ruled over the Jews at that time - is just like taxing by our governments today. I don't understand your point on that, because it's the same - if we don't pay 'Ceasar' what's due, we go to jail. Jesus didn't want his followers staging a rebellion that would end up with them imprisoned or dead, so he only stated the obvious.

    Yes, there are many subjects that aren't even addressed in the Gospels, and many of Jesus' sayings on many topics weren't written down. But treating people well with love and forgiveness covers every single thing, don't you think?

    Instead of setting up a new religion, he provided escape from the old religion. Just because religion, in general, doesn't accept that - it's not Jesus' fault!


  • Ucantnome

    my Collins English Dictionary of the English Language defines religion as

    1. belief in. worship of. or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny.

  • Laika


    How do you define religion? I'd argue that Jesus institution of baptism and communion, which are group activities, suggested he wanted his followers to be part of a community.

  • mP


    mp - Jesus spoke to the world he was in - slavery then, I think, was much like 'employment' is today - we do slave away for our employers, don't we - and the same 'rules' apply.


    You dont slave for your employer, you work for them. In Jesus day, masters could kill and rape at will. I highly doubt you work all day and night with no freedom like slaves back then did. You belittle their sorrow by comparing your easy life with theirs. Be honest, making comparisons like this make you look foolish and dishonest.

    I think you just admitted that Jesus was backwards and filled with social attitudes we dont need.


    As far as women go - Jesus broke Jewish rules by even talking to women! (Samaritan woman at the well)


    Wow. Was he too busy to tell us this was wrong ? If he couldnt figure out it was, why listen to anythng he says ?


    Giving money to the synagogue, like in the illustration of the widow's mite - was, in part, for dispersion to the poor and needy.


    Bullshit. There i no scripture in the BIble that says the temple money goes to the poor. Of course im wrong show me a few.


    Giving taxes to the Roman government which ruled over the Jews at that time - is just like taxing by our governments today.


    You missed the point. Why is Jesus telling people to pay tax, but never mentions the evils of slavery or the poor treatment of women ? Talk about proorities.


    I don't understand your point on that, because it's the same - if we don't pay 'Ceasar' what's due, we go to jail. Jesus didn't want his followers staging a rebellion that would end up with them imprisoned or dead, so he only stated the obvious.


    And what about the women, their mothers, daugthers, wives ? Dont they deserve some freedom from the stupid religion of hate ?


    Yes, there are many subjects that aren't even addressed in the Gospels, and many of Jesus' sayings on many topics weren't written down. But treating people well with love and forgiveness covers every single thing, don't you think?


    Jesus was quoting Lev 18. Jesus did not say anything new. Lev 18 refers to loving jewish people and we all know how that society turned out.

    He only said that message once, but spoke about taxation, obedience to government and masters over and over again. What message do you think he was trying to drill ?


    Instead of setting up a new religion, he provided escape from the old religion. Just because religion, in general, doesn't accept that - it's not Jesus' fault!


    Thats a lie, ~Mat 5:17 says that the Torah will last forever. There are many examples and scriptures where J follows and urges others to continue following the Torah along with their cruel customs and traditions contained in the Mitzvot.

    At no stage did Jesus ever give or state he was giving a replacement. Again scriptures. You really should stop making up untruths about people and elevating men who are essential terrible people. There are many people who follow a similar system to Jesus in their society in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Im sure we both agree the religion there is a prison and not a liberation and anyone who believes so is a fool.

  • mP


    How do you define religion? I'd argue that Jesus institution of baptism and communion, which are group activities, suggested he wanted his followers to be part of a community.

    Jesus did not create the idea of baptism or communion. The bible even tells us John the Baptist was baptising before. Nobody lives a better life because they eat a cookie or biscuit or has a dip in a river. Those two activities dont change lives.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    No mp, I don't believe in the Jesus you describe. I believe in the teachings about kindness and compassion. I have my way and you have yours. I also believe in the teachings of Buddha about being good to others. Of course you'll tear all I just said down, but no one will ever tell me what to believe and how to believe it ever again, be it the watchtower, Muslim, the Baptists up the road or someone on the internet with strong opinions.

  • Fernando

    Hey Laika

    Personally I'm all for faith based community - just not religious community.

    Abraham, Jesus and Paul were not religionists. At least Paul/Saul was until his Damascus Road experience, which convicted him of the folly of religion.

    Martin Luther also pushed "monkery" to the max before he too was convicted of the folly thereof.

    Religion is largely about practices and beliefs - as some say "smells and bells" - man's search for God.

    The gospel on the other hand is about God's search for man.

    Religion is about striving to earn God's favour and approval through:

    • adherence to rules (apostate legalism)
    • following an external written moral code (apostate moralism)
    • dissecting peripheral doctrine (apostate supremacist ethnocentrism)
    • supremacist, exclusive and privileged knowledge (apostate Gnosticism)

    Apostate religious legalism is very well juxtaposed with the gospel in g79 6/8 pp. 27-28 (most likely written by Ray Franz as it reads like a summary of ISOCF).

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

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