Jesus is not AN alternative to religion.

by Fernando 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Watkins

    mp - ditto what Julia said.

    Believe what you want to believe and I'll do the same. No need for hostility.

    Jw's tried to get me to hate everything and everyone and it just wasn't right and I wasn't happy trying to live that way. Live and let live. Be happy and let everyone else find their happiness, too, even if we don't agree.



  • tec

    Peace Fernando!

    Good thread!

    Religion is what man has always done. You can change the leaders, change the gods, change the rites... it is still the same thing. Worship by sight, through men, by men.

    Christ did not come to establish another religion.

    He came to teach... and to lead those who would worship in Spirit and in Truth. (for that is the kind of worshippers the father desires)

    Peace to you,


  • Fernando

    Thanks for popping in Tammy, and Amen to that.



  • transhuman68

    I blame Jesus for this mess. All he has to do is come back- like he promised he would- and carry all you lovely people away with him into the clouds ... and all the confusion of religions would be over. Instead, this world has become overrun with Devil-dodgers and God-botherers of all descriptions. Is is too much to ask Jesus to come back and clean up this mess he created? LOL.

  • mP


    No mp, I don't believe in the Jesus you describe. I believe in the teachings about kindness and compassion. I have my way and you have yours.


    Sounds a lot like the same kindness and compassion mulsims say for Mohammad.

    The problem is you are misinformed. Jesus was quoting lev 19:18and when you check the remainder of his sayings and actions its evident he was simply following the vile Mosaic law. He always said the Mosiac law was here to last (Mat 5 or is it 6:18) and never once says he has a new set of laws for us to follow.

    You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD. —Leviticus 19:18 [10] , the "Great Commandment"


    I also believe in the teachings of Buddha about being good to others. Of course you'll tear all I just said down, but no one will ever tell me what to believe and how to believe it ever again, be it the watchtower, Muslim, the Baptists up the road or someone on the internet with strong opinions.


    im just saying be honest, dont selectively quote and build an image of a man who has not earned it.

    Im pretty sure your parents or my parents or relatives are better people than jesus. i have met some real aresholes but its hard to find any who support some of the terrible things that jesus downright endorses, like slavery. If anyone today endorsed slavery you wouldnt call them good, so dont pretend jesus is good.

  • tec

    Stop telling other people to be honest, for goodness sake, mP. YOU be honest.

    Love was the most important matter of the law. Show mercy, show love, show forgiveness, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    ALL of that covers these things that you keep bringing up. Just because (many) men did/does not understand how to fully love, until taught and shown, does not mean that Christ endorsed anything that would bring harm to anyone. He, himself, harmed no one. He healed. He served. He loved. He forgave.

    THAT is what we are to do, who follow Him.

    And He DID give a new law and a new covenant.

    Luke 22:20 This cup is the NEW COVENANT in my blood, which is poured out for you.

    John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. AS I HAVE LOVED YOU, so you must also love one another.

    You selectively quote and interpret passages, mP, and then you build the man you want to build, to suit the beleif you WANT to keep. So instead of going around telling others to be honest... please apply your words to yourself, mP, and think about what it means TO love.

    There is no way to obey the law of love, and ALSO (forcibly) enslave others, or harm children, or the various things you state. If you do the latter, then you are disobeying the former.



  • seekchristonly

    Ironically Jesus put an end to man made religion. Meaning he ended the physical and brought in the spiritual no longer do beleivers have an earthly representation ofThe KIngdom which is spiritual and cannot be seen or touched. That KIngdom came into effect whenThe Messiah prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. He created a New Jerusalem which is established now with the apostlesruling with him. To this people of all nations tribes and tongues will enter in.The doors are never shut. He also established a new temple which is in fact us and him in unity with God. This is the true palce of worship and cannot be seen. Those who love The Messiah cna enter in , it's for all wohsoever , etc. We canenter in to worship and prasie The Messiah to the glory of the father. We cna go right before the throne .Its spiritual andthe lauguage is symbolic metaphor. But its real and a living breathing arrangement for all to enter. All we got to do is follow The KIng . All earthly arrangmentsar ecounterfeit to the true church which i repeat cannot be seen or touched it is made up of us in the spirit. Sperate yourselves from the physical and enter into the spiritual andhe will reveal himself to you. To ge tthere osme of us will have to go through anqush , heartache and pain to rid ourselves of the mental, spiritual and emotional bondage that has enslved us al for the last 2000 years. He rules as king he returned in the 1st cnetruy to take his kingsand priests ot heaven to rule with him.All that is left is for mankind to enter in. Every knee willbend andevery head willbow to acknowledge the king of kings. Get out of mans things now and taste thatthe LOrd is good

  • seekchristonly

    checkout my youtube channelif you want seekchristonly

    peace and love to all.

  • designs

    Jesus wasn't so 'forgiving' to the Pharisees yet he stole 90% of their teachings.

  • jgnat

    Ah, what's so wrong with religion? At it's essence it's a gathering of people to a common cause. People have been doing that for a long time. Some gatherings are positive, others not so much.

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