Regrets for knowing the TATT? Strange feeling overcoming...

by BluePill2 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • williamhconley


    Im sorry for the pain you're going through. Hang in there, you have a full, meaningful life ahead of you. You showed great courage by abandoning the WT fantasy world and servitude to men. Not everyone can do that.

    Those feelings will come up once in a while as you had lost alot for rejecting a man made illusion. I hope you can get your daughter back or spend time with her. Whats important is that you still love her and she will understand the situation you were put in by the borg.

    "Get busy living or get busy dying"- morgan freeman shawshank redemption

    I really appreciate your help you had given me several months back and your post here in this forum.

  • 70wksfyrs

    Hey Bluepill,

    I was so glad to see that all the posts helped you make the right choice. I am so glad you are sticking around with the hope of seeing your precious daughter again. I do hope you see her, I really do.

    Having hope can help us cope

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Hi BP - I feel for you and I hope you are feeling better as a result of the feedback from everyone here - hang in there and if it makes you feel any better - i hate those very same BASTARDS for keeping my loved one captive but at least I am not cut off from her physically even though I feel cut off from her metaphysically a lot of the time. Vent as much as you need - unfortunately if ignorance can be bliss so knowledge can be painful but in the end I know which I would prefer. Cheers Frazzled

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Hang in there BluePill2. Most here can sympathize with what you are going through. It is a rough road, but remember, you never know when those people you love are going to wake up, and then, it will be like the "resurrection" for them and you will be there with open arms.

    Just a thought,


  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Stay strong brother. Reach out to your kids. Do something each and every day to find joy in life. Take really REALLY good care of yourself.

    God bless you man.

  • flipper

    BLUE PILL- What you are feeling is certainly normal. Many of us have experienced these feelings since exiting the Witnesses. I have two JW daughters who for 10 years now won't have anything to do with me or my 28 year old son, their brother. And we only faded,didn't DF or DA ourselves. On The Way Out's suggestion is a good one to read " Freedom of Mind " by Steve Hassan if you haven't done so already, or read his " Releasing the Bonds " book. Both of those books helped me to de-personalize my daughters shunning to an extent and realize that they are mentally ill suffering from a psychological disorder caused by cult mind control called " dissociative disorder ". It causes these people to lose ant authentic human compassion and devote it ALL to the WT Society's purpose. And it's been diagnosed as an actual clinical psychological illness in the American Medical Association Journal.

    I know that knowing that doesn't take away all the hurt- but for me at least it helped me to understand that IF my daughters were in full control of their own minds ( which they are not - WT owns their minds ) then my daughters would call me today or tomorrow apologizing for their shunning me and we could regain our relationship we used to have when they were young teenagers over 10 years ago.

    So your JW family and friends have polluted minds trapped, manipulated, and controlled by WT Society powers like wild animals in a zoo - but your family doesn't realize it. All we can do my friend is remain hopeful and be there one day when and if our children or loved ones break free hopefully from the WT malaise and control. Try to stay busy with life's experiences as you are doing - hobbies, camping, playing guitar, tennis, or wrap yourself around non-JW people who will give you support and unconditional love who will be authentic caring humans to you. You NEED that, I NEED that, all of us do once we exit the Witnesses to fill the void that was left when JW's started shunning us.

    Please don't take your life. It's not worth it to give the WT Society another casualty and deceased victim. They've done their share of killing people in the thousands already. Remember Oompa here on the board. We are here for you my friend if you ever want to talk. And please know and understand that we love you in a very real humane way. WE understand your pain, some of us live it every day. I'll PM you my phone number if you'd like to chat sometime, O.K. ? If you feel you need some professional counseling though - PLEASE - by all means seek that counseling or a good therapist before doing anthing severe. Life IS worth living, dying from WT abuse is not worth it. SEnding a PM shortly. Love and hugs, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    BLUE PILL - Just sent you a PM friend. THanks. Hang in there.Please check. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • BluePill2

    You are wonderful people and it is situations like this one that make this website such a fantastic place to be. It really helps. I am grateful for all the comments here, the private messages (Flipper, thank you for your pm! It meant a lot to me.)

    I had to go away over the weekend to get my thoughts off from all the pain and it was the right decision. Doing something that you like helps to see the joy in Life again. In midst of pain is also joy, as strange as it sounds.

    Then I did something that I never thought would be necessary. I wrote a lengthy letter/statement to the court and youth care institution to explain my situation, mentioning all the points where the Borg becomes a danger to teenagers and small children. Let's see how that turns out. I never wanted to go into a full frontal fight over this, but they leave me no other option. I hope this helps me to get access to my kid. It will require lots of energy and strength to fight this through, but I am ready.

  • Splash

    Strength and peace to you BluePill2.

    If I remember correctly, you worked your way quite high in the org - certainly having responsibilities many would never get.
    You probably saw more than most as you awoke to TTATT, so I can well understand the hatred you now have.

    I have family and close friends still in and occassionally they get in touch to ask why something doesn't make sense. Many are starting to doubt, question and see things they can't reconcile.

    Be there for when this also happens to your family, they will need someone to help them deal with it when it happens - who better than you.

    There are good days and bad days, so you know that better days will come once you've dealt with the bad.

    Take care friend,


  • flipper

    BLUE PILL- Hang in there my friend. I think it's a great idea you had to write a letter to the court and youth care institution in order for them to see the totality of your situation and for them to see precisely how dangerous the WT Society's rules and regulations are to young children and adults. You will do fine, we are here to support you through this every step of the way. Justice, love, real truth, and humane , ethical behavior is on your side - so stand up tall, be proud of what you are accomplishing ! Take care and we'll keep in touch

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