Amelia Ashton, you have a private message. I closed the drapes and turned on the fan, if he get's his position back than all those details of him sexually assualting me are of no use. The brothers and sisters think I am emotionally unbalanced and not forgiving, maybe if they had a man putting objects and his penis on their daughter, would that change their mind? I can't get closure, for years the pedophile has been using every method in the book to get his position back and now he found the perfect elder body and the Organization is going to push him back!
I want to jump off a bridge, my reputation, my marriage and relationships with family were all destroyed because I came forward to protect some young girls he was babysitting, and now it's me who is to blame! I was told by one elder if I talk, I will get df'ed for gossip! I can't get out of bed, what do I do?
The Limitations or Statues are over for me, he played his cards perfectly and waited until they were over to confess his sins!
"How do I know he is going to be made one?" Two elders have been trying to talk to me over the last two weeks, they want to know if I am still hurt emotionally. Would it trouble me if I saw him giving a talk at the Assembly or reappointed? What do I tell them? One had the nerve to come to the house my house and others are ringing my phone off the hook. What do you think they are going to ask me next?