BUBBLEGUM - This is abhorrent that this child molester is being appointed an elder again. I agree with a lot of what's been said here. I'd definitely go to the media with this , whether it's your local news media on T.V., the newspaper- anything that will expose what the WT Society is allowing. I'm sure Eric will assist you greatly, he has connections and will be able to help direct you in how to go about it. Even Candace Conti's attorney Rick Simon's may have some very useful suggestions for you. I'd look into getting his opinion as well. Please know and be assured of our care and love and support here on the board for you , O.K. ? We will be here when you need to vent. I'm so sorry this is bringing up old wounds for you. I totally underst Hang in there
The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis 86 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Body of Elders letter (October 1, 2012) Re: Child Abuse
22. It cannot be said in every case that one who has sexually abused a child could never qualify for privileges of service in the congregation. However, the elders will certainly want to be very cautious, especially when dealing with one who had repeatedly engaged in this kind of wrongdoing or who had been disfellowshipped for such an offense. Before privileges can be extended, such a man must meet the Scriptural qualifications of being “self-controlled” and “irreprehensible.” He must “also have a fine testimony” from individuals inside and outside the congregation. (Titus 1:6-8; 1 Tim. 3:2, 7) Elders should keep in mind what is stated in the January 1, 1997, Watchtower article “Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked,” page 29, paragraph 2: “Child sexual abuse reveals an unnatural fleshly weakness. Experience has shown that such an adult may well molest other children. True, not every child molester repeats the sin, but many do. And the congregation cannot read hearts to tell who is and who is not liable to molest children again. (Jeremiah 17:9) Hence, Paul’s counsel to Timothy applies with special force in the case of baptized adults who have molested children: ‘Never lay your hands hastily upon any man; neither be a sharer in the sins of others.’ (1 Timothy 5:22).”
23. Hence, privileges of service should never be extended hastily. Considerable time should always pass before one who has sexually abused a child is recommended, if ever. It would be up to the local body of elders to determine whether such a recommendation should be made to the branch office, taking into account all factors in each individual case. Please note that unless specifically approved by the branch office, one who has sexually abused a child should not be used to conduct any meetings held in the congregation or in a prison, and he does not qualify to work on any Kingdom Hall project other than one involving the congregation where he serves as a publisher.
24. If the elders as a body conclude that one who has sexually abused a child in the distant past may now qualify for privileges, they should assign two elders to call the Service Department.
Take him down! Do whatever you must, but take this man and this stinking organization down!
The Letter to The Body of Elders quoted above is talking about Privileges of service.... If they are going to appoint this piece of filth to be an Elder, then logically he must already have privileges of service as a Ministerial Servant.
Before privileges can be extended, such a man must meet the Scriptural qualifications of being “self-controlled” and “irreprehensible.” He must “also have a fine testimony” from individuals inside and outside the congregation. (Titus 1:6-8; 1 Tim. 3:2, 7)
Oct 1 2012 Letter to The Body of Elders Re: Child Abuse states:
True, not every child molester repeats the sin, but many do.
Try again WT..
True, not every child molester repeats the crime, but many do.
I fixed it for you WTBTS, That wasn't very hard now was it.It is a Criminal Offence to sexually molest a child.
Where is your husband in all of this? He had better be supporting you. You need to take a giant leap backwards and take a look at this situation as an outsider.....a non JW outsider, if you can. This whole situation is disgusting and appalling! This guy needs to be exposed (not literally) to the world. Go to the media, get legal advice and get professional counselling. Tell everyone what this pervert did to you and for goodness sake, get out of this cult!
This says an awful lot about the mentality of the Governing Body who authorize such bull dingy:
22. It cannot be said in every case that one who has sexually abused a child could never qualify for privileges of service in the congregation. However, the elders will certainly want to be very cautious, especially when dealing with one who had repeatedly engaged in this kind of wrongdoing or who had been disfellowshipped for such an offense.
23. Hence, privileges of service should never be extended hastily. Considerable time should always pass before one who has sexually abused a child is recommended, if ever. It would be up to the local body of elders to determine whether such a recommendation should be made to the branch office,
Hense it is not neccesarry to keep children out of harms way. It's hard to find people to serve the Corporation as elders so don't be too picky
Post or PM the congregation name and contact info. I guarantee he won't be made an elder.
Please, please, please let him be appointed and get it on tape somehow! If he gets appointed and you take him down, then there can't be any spin about his position in the Org! No one can say he was an "usher" or " irregular attendee", please wait! The final impact would be greater, and even more children would be helped! Maybe Raypublisher can help you! You can PM me with his congregation's phone number and access code to tie into the meeting. I will try to record it for you!