The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 86 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    Those quotes from the BOE letter really show the hypocrisy of the organization. All the sheeple feel safe because they believe that a sexual offender could NEVER be reappointed. It's thier security blanket. Sure, someone appointed by Holy Spirit can go bad, but Jehovah will find out. Then that person will NEVER qualify again. Waiting on Jehovah works. I can't recall that WT or Awake article right now, but it makes the r&f feel safe.

    If they only knew....

  • cognac

    "I need a few Xanax, please send me well wishes dear friends!

    Two more Xanax, the computer is going to shock me from being wet with tears, how dare they dig up my past again!"

    Ok, this is really making me nervous. Does anybody have her number to check up on her??? I thought the usual was to have 1 Xanax a day for people who are prescribed them???

  • JWdaughter

    BA-I think it is worth having a lawyer write to the congregation and cc the WT org. telling them of what happened, that it is on record and your concerns regarding this. I don't think it is ever to late to go to the police. If they can do anything about it is another question,but for them and the child protection to have your statement is a valuable thing. Talk to a lawyer bring any docs and see what your options are.

  • Comatose

    Give the congregation name to Tylinbrando who posted above. He can stop it.

  • tootired2care

    Bubblegum I'm so sorry you have to go through this, It's terrible. However, given that all of old wounds have already been opened with this what more do you have to lose by making a problem for him and embarrasing the WTS in the process? I assume by the fact that you're on here that you really don't like the Watchtower. If you want to cause the most damage don't answer yes or no if your okay with him getting re-appointed. Be vague. Hopefully he'll get re-appointed and then after he does tell the local news media, and put up a stink for the best revenge on him and the WT.

    And remember if he's appointed, he was appointed by holy spirit! LOL.

  • laverite

    With three young children, this is an issue that makes me very emotional. To think that this happened to a 9 year old!!! The fact is that the Watchtower Corporation cares only about the Corporation.

    I don't know what to say other than please hang in there. My thoughts are with you.

  • Mum

    Are you getting counseling? Does your local District Attorney's office have victim advocates for people who are sexually abused?

    You need help and support. Please see a counselor who specializes in child molestation AND call the DA's office and find out if there is any way to get a victim advocate appointed for you.

    As others have said, don't worry about the statute of limitations. Just try to do whatever you can to let the community know.

    Do you have friends who will pass out flyers in the neighborhood where he lives to notify his neighbors that a child molestor lives close by? Do you have friends who will picket the Kingdom Hall with you if he is reappointed?

    Alert the media. Alert law enforcement (DA and police). Alert his neighbors. Just make sure people know exactly who he is and exactly what he did over as wide an area as possible.

    Please take care of yourself. Please get help.

  • ruderedhead

    I just want to send my love to you, bubblegum. I'm heartbroken for you. You have been given some wise advice here, but if you can, I would suggest getting legal advice before you do anything. Sometimes the victim winds up being the victim twice. Be wise.

  • haboob48


    I have followed this thread all day in hopes that you are okay. I am torn also as to what to tell you to do. There is GREAT advice here. I think you are in the best hands possible with this board. Your situation should be handled so gingerly. This person is a monster, a criminal! He deserves NOTHING! EVER! He WILL get what he deserves, but his bosses need to go down also. So I agree with those that say let him get his position in the kh first, it will only add to his demise. I can also say what a strong and beautiful person you are to share this. Be strong!


  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    It's wise to follow the instruction of allowing him to get his position back, I agree I need to be patient and than I can post the Congregation name and turn over all the letters I received from the Watchtower elder (they use numbers and letters to identify the bethel elder a witness speaks with. The branch elder's code-name was S4206 or maybe it was S&*84, they do this instead of giving us his real name and credentials. Jehovah allowed us a name but Bethel Elders are given a number to present a form of coldness and lack of empathy? When speaking about what wicked sins he did to me, I was given a number and not a human name. They are masters at remaining emotionless and avoiding the sense they actually care the victim was hurt, for liabililty reasons or robotic reasons?

    Can I ask if anyone here has ever received any kind of mental health or spiritual health when bringing forward accusations against the elder or elders who are attacking you? The only people I know who received any sign of help or spiritual aid were brothers with money or brothers the Society needed because they had gifts in areas the Organization needed. Now, we are treated like old horses, sent to the tallow truck and boiled into dog food and glue once we are not able to Pioneer or be of use to them. Teach the kids this Organization has lost it's love, we are heading down the road of the Scientologist by keeping records and documenting anything about anyone so it can be used another day!

    Wait and see what they do, I will wait another week before I pick up the phone from those elders calling the house. It would be great if I can get them to send me a letter "signed" why they want my opinion over the appointment of this brother back to Shepherd! I felt your "wishes of wellness and low stress today", thank you for that loving kindness!

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