If you don't believe in God where do you get the strength to cope?

by Miss.Fit 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Jgnat and LisaRose, do you address your prayers/meditations to anyone in specific? I'm curious how an atheist would handle that. - Phaedra

    I tailor my prayer to my audience. With my husband, I use Jehovah. When sending condolences and best thoughts to an atheist, I'll use words like hope, wish, positive vibes.

    The phrase I use the most often is, "My prayers are winging their way to you now." I do this to avoid the trite, "I'll pray for you." for which the listener understands my good intentions but likely dismisses that I will actually do it. From my years as an evangelical Christian, I've developed the habit of praying on the spot in the midst of a distressing situation. That way there is no doubt that I have prayed about it!

    My internal prayer is to "God", and I do externalize my prayer as to a superior, benevolent being.

  • MissFit

    Welcome Phae: I am glad you found this topic helpful.

    I started this thread in a dark place. I was feeling isolated . I realized that many of these posters could relate and my feelings were not abnormal. I got wonderful feedback and support.

    I see you are fairly new. Go slowly. You have time to make up your own mind.

    There were some things I was not ready to delve into. So I ignored those issues and doctrines.

    I was still coping with realizing the bible accounts weren't literal. I started thinking logically and objectively after reading some threads and the links provided.

    I had automatically accepted every thing I was taught without question.

    Keep searching and discovering at your own pace.

    Take care.

    Miss.Fit taking her blinders off.

  • MissFit


  • MissFit

    Bttt for lurkers.

  • MissFit

    Hello all, 

    I  was feeling a little down and reread this thread.

    I would like to thank again everyone who helped me through my dark time.

    I got so many useful and thoughtful suggestions and support. 

    As I reread my posts, I can see I have progressed and grown in many ways.

    I am still on a journey of discovery, but now I know I have time to stop and smell the roses along the way and just"be" . 

    I hope others might benifet from some of the thought provoking comments and suggestions here.   

    Please feel free to add your experiences and view points.

    With heartfelt gratitude


  • DJS


    I'm glad you bumped this. And I'm happy your journey is getting easier. The more you embrace an evidentiary based belief and knowledge system and the more distance and time you put between you and all things Borg the happier you will be. And the more you will look back and wonder why you ever believed the things you believed. It's only scary the first few steps.

  • violias


    I read this thread thinking it was current . I am so glad you went to a doctor and you are feeling better.

    I recall in my 30's realizing one day I did not have one single opinion that did not start with " I'm one of Jw's and we don't believe that ( words to that affect) or more commonly " elder bro. so and so says this" .  I had reached the breaking point with depression and was near suicide.  A wonderful psychologist and meds saved my life initially followed by years of therapy. Btw, my mom also had a break down and had ect   with serious memory loss and I wish she had given us up.  My life might be different now.

    I still believe in God ( and use Jehovah as if feels familiar)  and do pray but it is more of a connection with a higher state than formal prayer.  Sam Harris I think calls it mindfulness.  I enjoy listening to him b/c he so rational. I know a book I read that helped me was this one


     this is reading the Bible seriously  but not literally. I don't pray for forgiveness either, I ask the people involved for their forgiveness . I try to do no harm and make some contribution to this world.  I can't imagine what else a God would want from us anyhow.






  • MissFit

    Welcome Violias, thank you for responding. I am sorry you had unhappy experiences with your mother.  My sisters were always bitter about my mom not keeping us.  I always felt she let us go out of love.

    Unfortunately,  the couple she entrusted us with turned out to be abusive. The foster dad sexually abused my sister for years until I found out and helped her come foreward.

    I am glad you have found a path that is satisfying to you.

    DJS: Thank you for your response.

     I updated this thread because I want to keep a record for me as I document my journey.  It is interesting to look back and see how my perspectives have changed since I have distanced myself from the ORG.


  • violias

    I have been helped a lot by the author Sam Harris,. He has two books I have listened to, " Waking Up a Guide to Spirituality without Religion " and  " The End of Faith".   I also purchased two audio books by the late great Christopher Hitchens

    I still believe in God but listening to Sam Harris ( in particular ) has given me a much more balanced view . When I first started reading this board I would refuse to read any atheist threads- it was just fear. Also sometimes mocking occurred and I felt that was uncalled for considering where we all came from ( a high control religion ) . Sam Harris was able to reach past that fear and get to my rational mind.  I will be forever grateful to his books and you tube videos and his blog.  I also found years ago a website that appealed to me called " Logically Critical" it is not current but all the episodes are up for anyone to listen to.


    at the top there is a links and episodes link. to hear the episodes just click that link. He is really great and funny too.  



  • Rattigan350
    Use the Force.  Remember. The strength of a Jedi flows from the Force.

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