Gromit SK:
I understand why people try to make Christianity (or any other religion) fit, but never found it convincing personally.
I ALSO understand why people try to see if Christianity"fits" ; especially after being raised in a cult that called itself Christian. Christianity isn't something that you try on like a garmet to see if it fits you well. Of course it doesn't fit. The creature was made subject to VANITY NOT GODLINESS in the Fall of Adam. Without God's help, man can see only himself and his own works....not the work of God, which is vanity.
Jesus said that a person must be willing to abandon his loved ones and even his own SELF, to be his disciple. So, how in the world did that catch on in a world based on vanity? How can a person get to the point of overcoming the instinct of self-preservation?
It is because a Christian is someone who "believes God". He believes that there will be a judgment after death. He believes he is guilty of what he has judged others for. He believes God provided a way of being declared righteous through belief in the substitutionary atonement.
I believed this, denied myself in the biblical sense and trusted in Jesus. Now, as a born again Christian I live a life of crucifying the flesh..... not the putting on of various garmets to see if it fits this body of sin. When I do this, the new spirit God put inside me then leads me, and I have fellowship with God .... personally, and PEACE.
It is completely different than trying to generate good works as a JW. Being led by the spirit of God is definitely addicting, even though it is contrary to the desires of my flesh at times. But you know what? Following the desires of my flesh never really got me anywhere, they dominated me. It never gave me lasting peace, just cheap temporary thrills that required a heavier dose the next time, and the next time, and the next time.
Here's a partial list of what Jesus freed me from:
Drugs and alcohol
Did it feel good to get free of all those things.... not at all and quite the opposite. But, now once free.... it feels great. Im moving forward now, no longer stuck.