Do You Think It Possible That A Member Of Governing Body Would Ever Commit Suicide Because Of The Pain From Cognitive Dissonance?

by frankiespeakin 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    The objective of this paper is to discuss and illuminate the problem of abrupt suicide in relatively well-functioning individuals without a major DSM-IV mental illness. A case of a man diagnosed with narcissistic personality, who first allegedly
    staged a suicide attempt and later, without overt warning, killed himself in the context of financial losses and divorce, will be discussed. The paper addresses how and
    why a life event can generate an internal subjective experience that evokes a sudden
    deadly self-attack. Discussion of eleven explanatory hypotheses serves to further
    the understanding of these seemingly inexplicable events. We conclude that additional studies are necessary, especially of the interconnected interaction between
    life event, psychological functioning, and neurobiological correlates to expand
    understanding and develop proactive treatment strategies.

  • nugget

    You have to feel a level of empathy and remorse for all the suffering you cause. These people have a swinging brick instead of a heart they really don't care at all.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    The governing body is a bunch of phonies. What gives. LOL

  • Iamallcool

    No, I think they like living like kings.

  • frankiespeakin

    After reading the case study I thought this part very interesting:

    4. Sudden defense breakdown
    While Mr. K’s defensive denial and
    distortion protected him from reality for awhile, such reality avoidance is always an alerting sign.
    When these primitive defenses fail,
    the person faces anguish without
    self–regulatory resources. When
    Mr. K could no longer disavow his
    wife’s withdrawal and rejection, we
    may presume he could not endure
    the affects that arose within him.
    The combination of intolerable anguish and failure of coping mechanisms probably drove his suicide.
    Narcissistic patients tend to manage emotional crises by denying,
    isolating, or splitting off intolerable
    feelings, while maintaining grandiose fantasies of superiority and invulnerability (Kernberg, 1992;
    Krystal, 1998; Schore, 1994).
    Plainly, this specific combination of
    narcissistic and affect pathology
    can result in a paradoxical state of
    calmness, control, and self–confidence in the suicidal patient. “I just
    need to know that I can kill myself
    and make the decision as to when,
    and all negative feelings just
    disappeared,” one woman said.

    . Anger turned against self with revengeful intent
    Freud’s formulation (1917 [1915])
    that suicide (e.g., aggression turned
    against the self) represents an effort
    to kill an ambivalently regarded
    lost person internalized within the
    self could serve yet another explanation of Mr. K’ s action. Indeed,
    he struggled with strong ambivalent feelings towards his wife who
    had become increasingly distant.
    The idea of destroying the other by
    destroying the self is an effort to
    take control but can also have a retaliatory intent. Several studies
    have shown that revenge can drive
    suicide (Baechler, 1975; Bancroft,
    1979; Bancroft, Skrimshire, &
    Simkin, 1976; Birtchnell &
    Alarcon, 1971; Boerges, Spirito, &
    Donaldson, 1998; Hawton, Cole,
    et al., 1982; Williams, 1986;). This
    suggests that suicide communicates
    anger and aims to punish. In addi-

    tion, Kernberg (1984) described
    suicide associated with malignant
    narcissism as a vehicle of omnipotent wishes for sadistic control. Mr.
    K once simulated suicide in anger
    to evoke his wife’s remorse. As his
    wife pursued the next step towards
    divorce, Mr. K’s revengeful intent
    escalated into a real suicidal act.
    His wife’s response—“He just took
    off and left me with this
    mess”—suggests how effective
    suicide can be for “getting even.

  • frankiespeakin

    Cult leader Pyotr Kuznetsov tries suicide after realising he was wrong about doomsday

    The leader of a Russian doomsday sect has attempted to kill himself as his followers continue to emerge from a cave where they have been waiting for the end of the world.

    Pyotr Kuznetsov was in hospital yesterday after he was discovered hitting himself over the head with a log. Members of his religious group have been hiding in a cave since November, believing that the world would end in May.

  • Vidiot
    frankiespeakin - "Do you think it's possible that a member of the Governing Body would ever commit suicide because of the pain from cognitive dissonance?


    I've come to the conclusion that the GB (and authoritarian leaders in general) don't experience cognitive dissonance the way the rest of us do; anyone who might have was purged from their ranks long ago.


    ...if and when the decline of the WTS became so pronounced and undeniable that even they could no longer deny the reality of the situation, that option would definately be on the table.

    (In addition, if/when something like that ocurred, it would be even further evidence that the WTS was not "God's Earthly Organization".)

  • adamah

    Are you kidding? JW GB is in the proverbial cat-bird seat, able to control the image of God by serving as his spokesmen for 7 million people. Few things in life are more intoxicating than controlling the power of a God, projecting his motions and putting words into his mouth like he's an animatron at Disneyland. They control the message in the WT/Awake, and millions of people take it as the Word of God.

    I'm thinking just like Hitler killed himself rather than face life anymore, that some on the GB may reach that stage.

    Remember the context: Hitler committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin as the Russian and US soldiers were knocking down the bunker doors, looking to arrest/kill him. His dream of a NAZI World power had crumbled around him.

    That's nothing EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE to what you fantasize about happening to the JWs, and you may not have noticed, but they've seemingly learned the value of NOT declaring a specific date (ALA Camping), but by saying it's always imminent with the vague perma-predictions, "it's JUST around the corner". Hey, it worked for Jesus return: Christians have been saying that for the past 2,000 YEARS, and few have figured it out since then.


  • NewYork44M

    They are flying around the world and travel first class, they drink good wine, and have masses of people worship them.

    It sounds to me like a gig that I would like to keep into perpetuity. They probably think the same. Why would they give that up for something as pedestrian as suicide.

  • Apognophos

    They would give it up only if they lost their special status. Say, if a combination of the removal of tax-exemption from the Society and other factors caused a financial dissolution, and/or they lost most of their followers due to doctrinal upheaval.

    Alternately, a persecution situation (even if not part of a broad UN move against religion, but targeting only them, and even if they brought it upon themselves through Rutherfordian rabble-rousing) that leads to a literal Hitler-in-the-bunker situation could mayyyybe prompt them to shuffle off their mortal coil a little sooner to join the bride in heaven.

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