Do You Think It Possible That A Member Of Governing Body Would Ever Commit Suicide Because Of The Pain From Cognitive Dissonance?

by frankiespeakin 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    No, but we can wish!

  • flipper

    No, I think they're too narcissistic to commit suicide. As another poster mentioned - they revel in the glory of being Jesus's next right hand men- allegedly- in their own minds. Anyway- they'd worry about getting DFed in heaven for committing suicide. Isn't it considered a " sin " to JW's ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • frankiespeakin


    No, but we can wish!

    You would have Freud flipping in his grave over that statement:

  • adamah

    Oubliette said-

    No, but we can wish!

    Why? Are you looking to put in your application for the gig?

    Paralip said-

    You don't get appointed to the GB by being spiritual and having a good heart.

    Not to mention, I doubt it would help anyone's case if it came out that the person had been posting on JWN!


  • nonjwspouse

    NS posted a study about narssisictic personality and suicide. The loss of control, the grandiouse ideas of self, the smack from reality of what they don't want to believe to be true. One big hit to the personality, one great big wake up call that leaves them feeling out of control, might just do it.

  • frankiespeakin

    Just listening the GB give talks at the special annual meeting this October indicates they are depressed, Jesus is still a no show and it is getting harder to keep the rank and file subserviant to the corporation, causeing them to reach new levels of abuse in an effort to keep the corporation running and finacially solvent.

    With all these child molestation lawsuits reaching into in the millions of dollar$,, a down turn in profits from printing material, and the internet exposure of their lies and exaggerations, I would say they are very depressed.

  • Vidiot

    Clinical depression? As in, the kind that requires treatment and/or antidepressant medication?

    I hadn't thought of that.

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm thinking with all that is on the plate for this currant GB to deal with. Out of the 8 GBs there has to be some that are clinically depressed even with all the denial of feelings going on with these guys, depression got to be making it to surface and being felt.

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