by The Searcher 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Apognophos

    It's also a great setup for a Kool-Aid Scenario.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    If the next big change in JW doctrine is that all JWs will become partakers as some have commented, then we're going to need a hell of of alot more wine to accommodate all the new partakers. I recommend Bevmo! They have a 'buy one bottle and get the next one for 5 cents' sale!

  • caliber

    Then we're going to need a hell of of alot more wine to accommodate all the new partakers.

    please just sip and dip..... no chug a lug please !!!

  • Narcissistic Supply
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Attempting to apply logic to WTS doctrine and making a prediction is an act of futility! If they make any significant changes (which I sort of doubt), it will be the kind of stupid "generation" change that leaves everyone scratching their heads.

    Actually, the current changes including what I perceive is the Rapture by a different name, is pretty big yet no one in the study I attended seemed to get it. I actually didn't notice it when I first skimmed through the article. It was only when the paragraph was read that it struck me that they introduced the rapture doctrine. Remember, according to the WTS there are "true Christians" which means annointed and their companions which means non-annointed JWs. So, they could still say that all "Christians" left on earth get raptured before things go sideways and still keep their two-tiered system which I don't believe would ever go away.

    Ah, 99% of JWs could care less about their doctrine. Listen, obey and be blessed is all they need to know.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I believe that all baptized members could be invited to "partake", but a two tier system would remain (as whacky as that sounds)

    This isn't so wacky. Russell used to teach that the Little Flock and the Great Crowd were both going to heaven; the "great crowd" were lesser ones because they didn't have as much faith as the "little flock", so would receive a lower position in heaven.

    WT has always loved class distictions and provincialism- even withing the Org.


    JW`s don`t care about Doctrine..

    JW`s are Trained to..

    "Listen Obey and be Blessed"

    This JW is Ready to Recieve..

    "New Light"

    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW


    " If the next big change in JW doctrine is that all JWs will become partakers as some have commented, then we're going to need a hell of of alot more wine to accommodate all the new partakers. I recommend Bevmo! They have a 'buy one bottle and get the next one for 5 cents' sale!"

    I recommend 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's!

    I do have to agree that more than likely, any annual metting announcement will be a let down. Perhaps the information board will now be called the " Theocratic information Board." Or the year's text will be " Listen, Obey, and be Blessed." Still, if times get tough and the WTBTS Corporation need some breathing room, they will do anything. I see no downside to changing the partaker doctrine or the 144,000 to a symbolic meaning.

    It would make a lot of sense to keep 144,000 as a literal number of domestic partakers who will be used in a specific adminisrative capacity. ( JWs love that crap.) This literal number would be clarified to include the GB/FDS NOW, and whoever Jesus picks some time in the future. That way you still have class distinctions. ( They love that crap too) Oh, yeah, I mean SOON(tm) in the imminent, fast approaching future. In the meantime, LOABB. ( Listen Obey and be blessed )

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Phizzy said - Not least "why has this only been realised now ?"

    Shouldn't nearly 8 million Witnesses be saying that about the several doctrinal U-turns in the July 15th Watchtower?

    I repeat what Jim Gillies (Public Information chief at London Branch) said about it; "It's a landmarkWatchtower".

    The glazed looks and bewildered expressions after the study on Sunday (and that was just the elders!) spoke volumes!!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    LOL @ Outlaw-

    I know what you're saying, but scientifically, light, new or otherwise, cannot escape from a black hole.

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