Similar Religions to Jehovah's Witnesses

by God_Delusion 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • God_Delusion

    Hi guys,

    I am sort of having a breakthrough with my mother-in-law. She's not really going to the meetings any longer but still believes the Jehovah's Witnesses are the "true religion".

    In our last conversation, she said the following:

    "Jaymes, there's no other religion like the Jehovah's Witnesses. For instance, we're the only religion that doesn't go to war, the only religion that goes door to door, doesn't celebrate Christmas and generally acts like the right religion."

    This is where I need your help. I know the Mormons go door to door as they've knocked on my door a few times. Is there a list on here or the net that compares other religions to the Witnesses?

    Hope you can help!


  • LostGeneration

    As the author notes, Mormons are the most similar, though the holiday thing is a big departure from JW theology.

  • problemaddict

    Maybe also close it out with another specific thing at the end. JW's are VERY similar to Scientologist in a very specific way. The group atmosphere, special "language and volcabulary", and especially.......disconnection.

    Exactly the same as disfellowshipping. Its amazing.

  • Watchtower-Free

    The Iglesia ni cristo religion based in the Philippines hs around 10 million members

    and believes almost everything JWs do. There founder studied with the bible students 100 yrs ago .

  • ShirleyW

    Jaymes - The thing is, if she's a dyed in the wool JW like my mother was, when you show them sold proof about the Borg, they'll either try to argue with you about it (or just shut down the conversation altogether) or if you give her something to read, she probably won't look at it since it "goes against Jehovah's teachings" . . been there, done that.

  • EndofMysteries

    check out the "worldwide church of God". They were almost identical to JW's but then in the mid 90's their governing body apologized and admitted teaching falsehoods and they had major doctrine changes .

  • minimus

    any of the Russellite groups are similar.

  • blondie



    There are at least 2 factions that come out of the WCOG...very different beliefs

    Original one:

    There are still various Bible Student groups....differing beliefs but core ones similar to jws

  • besty


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was researching this in a lazy way. Calling the Witnesses a "cult" is not true academically. I do believe it describes a high control religion, however. Cult has a negative connotation. Clicking links on wikipedia for Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, I ended up at an article called "New Religous Movements" which describes Witnesses, Mormon, Christian Scientists. Excuse formatting. Quite a few American religions which have beliefs in stark contrast to mainstream religions were formed during the same time period. I forget the full description.

    There was a list of four to five items that describe these once new religions. I believe disdain for previous authority is one. Also, I've read a small bit concerning religious developments in America. These groups also have beliefs typical of America and not other cultures.

    It is not my main area of expertise so I don't recall details. My guess is that academic literature must be full of books and articles describing these movements. If you find a concise one, please post it here.

    Religious beliefs tend to run on a spectrum. Economics and political forces play their part so few religions are unique. I once joined a forum and accidently found a Dawn Millenium. There are some active offshoots of Russell's Bible Students. It was a shock to me. The poster kept revealing his family background and eccentric religious beliefs. I wrote to him completely convinced we might have known each other as young Witnesses. The JWs have never claiming Russell as their leader. Of course, Russell will soon disappear.

    Altho the Witnesses kept many Russell doctrines, my family told me the culture was very different. Rutherford transformed it. I've met Mormon specialists going to the opera. Some historians love researching obscure things.

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