My comment about Jehovah's Witnesses:
They don't go to war? They don't even help their community out, forget about helping their Country. lol
JDumbs go door to door? Who else is dumb enough to keep a working model... That does not work? lol
Celebrate Christmas? Nobody cares about any religious infusion into a pagan feast day. It is the middle of winter and a great excuse, (so I am told) to have friends, family and neighbors over to extend hospitaiity during the cold and dark days of Winter. And you know, the giving and taking of gifts, can be something cheerful, and happy and fun, again something that I know nothing about.
Ask her when was the last time she wrapped up a bunch of thoughtful gifts and gave them all away? Never? lol
Ask her when was the last time she received a bunch of wrapped up thoughtful gifts? Never? lol
Ask her to read the part in the Bible, and yes she can read it from her NWTranslation about Job going and spending time with each of his children on their birthday (more like birth week... when you walk places or ride on your camel, you need to stay awhile and make the trip worthwhile while your rear is reco -operating.)
Act like the right religion? lol lol lol
They TELL you repeatedly, every week, at every opportunity, even after your butt turns to total numbness, that THEY are the only ones with the true religion. If you question that statement, they kick you out on your numbed out a$$. lol lol lol
Your poor MIL. She is a good honest soul that innocently believes everything she is told.
(((((Hugs to you and your MIL from LoisLane )))))