I've heard of the Christdelphians. Also, the Unitarians, but I heard they always have many extra activities & want folks to volunteer. I do understand the not going to war..War never solved nothing, as we have seen. It's the gov't attitude they have that kind of annoys me....no voting...Many here may have not been born in the depression time, but there was a time when the Gov't didn't do anything for anyone..Your neighbor would help you..if they had it...well the depression came & we could not help one another because nobody had anything to share...Well, after the depression, Gov't stepped in & we stepped away from helping our fellow man...we pushed away from the table...at one time you could go to a neighbor & borrow or ask for a cup of flour. Now folks tell you, well there is welfare & gov't cheese lines.
If the Gov't stepped away, all of us would be up the creek without a paddle. If you lost your job, no unemployment, got sick & couldn't work, no disability, if you reached an old age, got to keep working, no social security, if you fall on bad times, no welfare...& I could go on & on..This is how I see this situation.You call a friend to say, hey come help me make a chocolate cake, you answer, well, you know how I feel about chocolate, allergies, makes you fat, etc...so the friend says ok, no worries..I do understand, but you can come to dinner, the person comes to dinner & eats, then here comes the chocolate cake, & the very person who would not help you make it, helps you eat it...So, the witnesses can't help choose the right candidate but can enjoy all the fruits that the gov't has to offer...
Most witnesses are sickly, whether it's in their minds or real, but if you suppress all the spiritual food & don't agree, your body is bound to turn on you. Most of them really don't want to work and doing God's work is the best excuse they have, or they have an attitude, something for nothing..
Have you ever heard witnesses say, this or that is soooo expensive...So one day I told a sister....listen we don't celebrate nothing, so we should have more money than most...so what do you think you are not supposed to pay for nothing with the money WE DON'T SPEND..she had to agree. Like folks say, Gas is so expensive, well if you really think about it, gas is the cheapest thing on a car. Let something break down, it'll cost you more than gas.
Just remember, most witnesses are afraid to leave the org. they serve Man with fear....they fear man more than God. Even though they see the flaws, they have created their world around the org. They don't have any life outside the Hall...that is their life so that is why they can't accept another way or place of worship.
Again, I will stay there, until I can't take it no more..soon my friend soon..