Does it show a deplorable lack of faith to have a bucket list?

by compound complex 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    As a baby boomer making the best of every day, I have a casual list of things I want to do before I, well . . . you know.

    We all know about the promises made, and, gee whiz, I want to be a good and faithful boy. But I'm beginning to wonder if I should buy a few more baskets to put my eggs in.

    I'm afraid that I've put all my begs in one ask it. . . .


    CoCo is growing older by the month

  • laverite

    Bless your heart dearest CoCo. We are all growing older by the month. That is a GREAT thing! It's better than the alternative.

    I think you're going to live a very long life, even if it's not forever with a pet panda.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, dear friend, LaVerite!

    In spite of it all, I'm always glad, like Pollyanna.

    Love to you and the children.


  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


    You are probably (if not definitely)my favorite dreamer on and off this board.

    Keep on doing all the things you love to do while you are able.

    You are so lucky to have a variety of interests and hobbies that bring you and others so much pleasure.

    Eggs are yummy.

    Definitely get more baskets!

    Sometimes it's good to be bad.



  • Scully

    JWs have bucket lists after a fashion, that include all the things they ever really wanted to do, but put off doing until After Armageddon™.

    Why shouldn't you have a list where you permit yourself to do stuff you really want to do, and actually set about doing them?

  • DesirousOfChange

    COCO, If you're my age, you damn well oughta have that bucket list 'cause time is a running out! Start checking things off!

    Other good advice from the movie of the same title (Bucket List): "Never waste an erection, never pass up a bathroom and never trust a fart!"

    Don't know whether you're a guy or a gal, but I'd say that first piece of advice could apply either way.



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good and encouraging thoughts, rip and scully! Thanks so much. Yes, eggs are yummy -- what's not to love?

    As a dear friend reminded me, it's never too late to be what you might have been. (George Eliot)

    With gratitude.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, DOC!

    Yeah, I'm a guy and did see The Bucket List. Those words are truer and truer as time marches on and the body gives out. I was born in the 40s.

    Take care!


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I wish you well with your list and your life Co Co.

    You are so kind, giving and always helping other's.

    You are saving some energy for yourself, right?

    Love and Light.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm running out of things on my bucket list and have to keep inventing new ones.

    Jumping off a bridge tied to a rubber band will never make my list

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