Discussion w/ Wife: I Welcome Your Suggestions

by breakfast of champions 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So these last few WTs have definitely eroded my wife's faith in the Org. She is definitely seeing the BS, and I even overheard her talking openly about it to a family member. Good for her!

    Here is what she's stuck on though: Jehovah's Witnesses don't go to war. And who else is doing the preaching work like Jehovahs Witnesses?

    She feels these things make JWs unique. All I said is that just because some group is unique, it doesn't mean they are the only true religion on earth.

    I left it at that, not wanting to push too hard without thinking about it a little more.

    So what do you guys think? How would you reason with someone on those points?

    I've already got my own ideas, but want to know what you think.

  • Honesty

    Google "Christian preaching work" and also go to jwfacts.com and look at the information on preaching.

    There is a lot of information that may open her eyes even more than they are now.

    As for war, there are many individual Christians who don't believe any one should war against tehir fellow man.

  • tenyearsafter

    The preaching part is also done by Mormons, certain Evangelical Christians among a number of groups...you might ask her if D2D is the only true form of preaching. What about the numerous religions that use mass media to spread the word...or missionaries doing medical or humanitarian work while spreading the Gospel? D2D is just one way to preach...and a rather ineffective one at that these days.

    As to going to war, there are many religions that refuse military service...Quakers, Mennonites, Seventh Day Adventists, Christadelphians and Unitarian Universalists come to mind immediately. The "refusing to go to war" claim is one of the weaker arguments for the "rightness" of the WTS.

    It sounds like she is starting to see TTATT, so be patient and help her come to her own conclusions...good luck!


    Jehovah's Witnesses don't go to war. And who else is doing the preaching work like Jehovahs Witnesses?

    The WBT$ owned stock in Rand Cam..

    They profited in War..

    JW`s go from Door to door..

    Preaching things they won`t believe in years down the road..

    Who else "Accomplishes Nothing" better than Jehovahs Witnesses?..

    ........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    There is no scriptural injunction on war. In fact throughout the bible god commands and favours it. The worst atrocities and war crimes in the bible were directly demanded by god.

    Are the JWs doing the preaching work? What is the preaching work, and is it being done by anyone? There are other Christian groups who have more missionaries than JWs have members.

    The JW message is about Armageddon and a new earth, which even a non believer like myself can see isn't mentioned in the bible at all. The JWs preach the JW message about the Noo Sistem which isn't gonna happen. Perhaps you could help her realize that the JW message as a whole is wrong even by Christian standards. Then it doesn't matter how much JWs preach, it is still meaningless.

    Congrats on the mostly awakened wife! I'm very jealous my friend

  • Fernando

    And who else is doing the preaching work like Jehovahs Witnesses?

    And what a joke their "preaching" is.

    The phrases "publishers of the good news" and "publisher of the good news" appear a total of 260 times in the 2012 Watchtower library. The word "evangelizer/s" appears 986 times.

    The "Good News" in scripture has at least 30 key ingredients.

    The "Good News" JWs take door-to-door has only 1 ingredient.

    Some of the most notable missing ingredients: salvation, Jesus' birth, Jesus' death, imputed righteousness (justification), imputed holiness (sanctification) and so on...

    Some questions for thinking and honesthearted JWs:

    • Can I claim to be a "publisher of the Good News" if the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms is not in my heart and not on my lips?

    • Is it true that more than half the Bible's references to "Good News" are by Paul?

    • What would you think of a motorcar salesman that had no idea that a Ford is a motorcar?

    • What do you think of a "Christian" that cannot explain what the gospel is in one word? (It is a "message")

  • mauiboy

    A favorite example of mine is the jdubs own illustration of a glass of water with just a bit of contamination (dirt is good, but I like to use urine or defacation in my examples).....would you be inclined to drink it down; or even just sip from it? Any scripture that backs up the thought of 'not going beyond what is written' --or-- 'a little leaven ferments the whole lump' may tip the scales more towards clear thinking. Turning their own arguments against them leaves little room for defense.

  • mrquik

    Hi BOC; Ask her if she feels a warning of impending doom given for over a century has any validity. Remind her that in Jesus' prophesy of the "last days" that time period in Jerusalem lasted only 37 years well within a generation. That meant that those who heard his warning were still alive to benefit from it. Keep asking these types of questions. She needs to come to the correct conclusions on her own.

  • blondie

    She should look over the 4 presentations every month in the KM; how often do they use "Jehovah" zero (always God); how often "kingdom"; how often Jesus except in November and December. "good news"?

    When asked what jws believe, what do non-jws say: no Xmas, no birthdays, no blood transfusions...nothing about the kingdom or the good news.

    We have had LDS, Baptists, Lutherans, independent churches, call on us...but not jws.

    jws may not go to war but they look forward to the destruction of 7 billion men, women and children, eternally with no hope of a resurrection. jws stab each other in the back with lies and nasty words, slander and gossip.

  • Over%forme

    No one can say it anybetter than Outlaw.

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