Force Jehovah's Witnesses to practice authentic first and second century Christian compassion and love. Make them invite all the poor and undesirables to their "love feasts", bust up the same car-groups that work in field service with each other every day the "elect" show up. Force the Witnesses to spend time helping at a Food Bank and instead of accepting food from "Meals on Wheels", make them drive the route one week out of each month. Force them to behave like good citizens and tell them if they don't act this way, the Governing Body will kick them out!
The Kindom Halls would be ghost towns, the thrieving wholesome pioneers would quit and look for another person to spend the rest of their life with someone who appreciates how pious and superficial they are. The elders would fade too, a few who are helping charities secretly with time and energy the Watchtower and their fellow elders covet would finally be free as the fake elders quit and find something to else to fill their void.