Where Do You NOW Think Wickedness Comes From? The Devil or... ?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    Evil is just another term for selfishness. All organisms are selfish or they couldn't survive. When the big fish eats the little fish it does so for its survival.

    The big fish benefits from all the still smaller fish the little fish ate. Life sustaining molecules are in short supply. Every living thing is chasing those molecules.

    Plants can't move around but they compete with their roots and vines.

    If you are the big fish life is good. Might good!

    If you are the little fish. Damn! You must surrender your lifetime collection of precious molecules.

    Life is a pair of dice.

  • Xanthippe

    I think one small decision followed by another to deliberately hurt others leads to wicked acts. A way of life is made of one small decision after another.

  • Apognophos

    I agree with scotoma and Seraphim23, they took the words right out of my mouth. I'll just add that even the Society's teachings partly remove the need for Satan to exist. If a bad thing happens, according to the Society, it could be (a) the Devil/a demon, (b) our own or someone else's imperfection, (c) "time and unforeseen occurrence". I eventually found myself wondering why the Devil was needed as an explanation for anything, when the other two factors seemed capable of explaining bad events.

  • jgnat

    Here's some food for thought from Steven Pinker on the Moral Instinct. Before we work out "bad", let's work out how we decide if something is "good".

  • snare&racket

    I don't believe evil exists.

    Here is my humple opinion.....people can do harmful things or beneficial things for society. Some people are unwell, some people are raised in a destructive enviroment that along with a specific genetic make up may result in harmful behaviour.

    Some peopke's minds can be convinced to do harmful things, the motivation can vary from survival, to religion to conscription to peer pressure from a local gang or jealousy or rage....

    We can call acts 'evil' if we wish, but would you call a lion devouring another lion that aggrevated it an act of evil?

    Obviously a human hurting a human is wrong and should be punished in order to promote influences that will reduce such crimes, however i likewise would not call it evil.

    Not believing in evil removes the need of a source, for me personally...


    Are the GB wicked men, or did the Devil make them do it?.....LL

    I Love My WBT$ GB..

    Rock Star Popes! We Love You Too Satan!!

    ..................... photo mutley-ani1.gif....OUTLAW

  • tec

    Well, I do believe the Adversary (Satan, the devil, the deceiver, etc) exists... but he only exploits what is IN man to begin with. Many people allow themselves to BE decieved, because they are being told what they WANT to hear, or that they can have something that they want to have... (Satan plays the friend card... of COURSE you can eat of this tree, or have these kingdoms, or take the kingdom of God for yourselves... you DESERVE it) ... by some other means than what God has said to them.

    Christ on the other hand did not play the 'friend card'... He simply spoke Truth, from love. Which might seem harsh, and shocking (as i am sure hearing that they were listening to their father, the devil, was shocking to those Christ said it to) ... becasue of all the deception that some had allowed themselves to accept as true... but it would help them to have LIFE... rather than death, from lies. Sometimes a 'shock' is needed to wake people UP from the deceptions that have lulled them to sleep, especially to those who have been ensnared by the lies that men have told them (even raised them IN).



  • snare&racket

    tec have you ever researched the religious history of the charachter Satan?

    Everything about that charachter is borrowed from other religions and myths. But even by the Bibe's standars what you say makes no doctrinal sense, you are saying God created evil and inserted it into man for the devil (who also had the mechanism of evil) to manipulate and encourage.

    So the source of evil is God? Or are you saying Satan created evil, that he is the source? That is not biblical!

    It amazes how many negative elements of our universe are ascribed to Satan a charachter with no ability to create.

    War? Erm no.. god was the first charachter to use War according to the bible and God invented the sword according to the bible (spinning blade protecting eden) and was THE god of wars, his son now preparing to win the great war in heaven. Humans today fight for land, for survival and for their god's .... satan has no role in any of this, all of these things are innate desires in our physiology as they are in a lion fighting for its territory, for its survival and for his pack.

    Crime ? Satan! Erm no crime is motivated by selfish desires built within our human make up made by god e.g. stealing for one's desire to survive, murdering due to physiological uncontrolled rage, rape due to the human sex drive,

    ....yes humans make desicions too, with their god made mind and body,

    ...but it is flawed and imperfect.... yet but by who's hand according to Genesis? By gods! Even if he blame's Adam and Eve for doing it... god still gave it us not Satan...

    Where exactly does Satan fit into this role of evil promoter? How EXACTLY does he promote evil?

    Who created evil as a concept in the first place?

    If god existed in infinity and then created everything, why even create evil? Adam and Eve were not the first to do evil according to the bible, Satan did 'evil' by daring to question his dictator, his god. On promoting this idea to humans we are told sin entered into the world...

    This is where you talk about free will, but free will is not what god offered in eden, it was his way or death.... then wehn they chose to make desicions for themselves he made them imperfect, made them suffer, made them struggle to survive... that is not free will... that is SERVE ME OR DIE AND WITH DIFFICUT LIVES! Also he didn't play fair, having made us imperfect and want to do wrong (the source of evil therefore being god) and making it hard to survive, he guaranteed that we would fail in our independence. Nothing has been answered, the onlooking angels could ask "How would humans making desisicions independant of god fair had he let them remain perfect, without sin and in a paradise?"....... See it is all nonsense!!!

    Also there is no reason that free will can't exist without EVIL and SIN... so again why did god create it ?

    If you insist that evil and sin has to exist, then how could you accep the prospect of a heaven or paradise earth with no evil or sin when satan is finally destroyed? Will free will be removed too ?

    Think about it guys....

    Snare x

    Ps. I do not believe the bible or in god or any of the above information, just in case that impression is given.

  • MadGiant

    "Well, I do believe the Adversary (Satan, the devil, the deceiver, etc) exists... but he only exploits what is IN man to begin with. Many people allow themselves to BE decieved, because they are being told what they WANT to hear, or that they can have something that they want to have... (Satan plays the friend card... of COURSE you can eat of this tree, or have these kingdoms, or take the kingdom of God for yourselves... you DESERVE it) ... by some other means than what God has said to them."

    With all due respect, I don't get what you are saying here.
    According to your book, God cast Satan and his minions into "hell" instead of Puerto Rico: Your book reads that "Hell" sucks for everyone including imps and demons. According to 2 Peter 2:4: "God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but sent them to "hell", putting them into chains of darkness to be held for judgment."

    That's right, chains and prisons ... for them. No iron fortresses, no fiery thrones, no mention of Satan ruling the cell block ...

    If you are saying that "Satan plays the friend card... of COURSE you can eat of this tree, or have these kingdoms, or take the kingdom of God for yourselves...", I have a question.

    How let the dog out?

    Take care,


    PS: I know, I know, again I am misquoting the book, it's out of context.

  • cofty

    I think we are too quick to condemn and judge people as "wicked" or "evil" on order to distance ourselves from what we fear.

    Hearing that there are people who still believe in a devil is very sad.

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