Where Do You NOW Think Wickedness Comes From? The Devil or... ?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    The Bible says everyone is drawn out and enticed by their own desires.

    The desires become fertile and give birth to sin.

    If we didn't have a reproductive systems we wouldn't have a desire for sex.

    If we didn't have a digestive system we wouldn't have a desire for food.

    If we didn't have muscles we wouldn't have a desire for exercise and movement.

    If we didn't have a brain and nervous system we wouldn't have a "self" or "selfishness".

    Sin is moral badness where in the process of satisfying your own desires you cause unnecessary harm. The Bible calls it "that superfluous thing" ie beyond what is necessary.

    There seems to be a factor of greed or excess to sin.

    People are perfectly equipped to do-evil without any help from a personal d--evil.

  • snare&racket

    Scotoma, please read this and please help me understand....really!

    Sin is moral badness where in the process of satisfying your own desires you cause unnecessary harm. The Bible calls it "that superfluous thing" ie beyond what is necessary.

    There seems to be a factor of greed or excess to sin.

    People are perfectly equipped to do-evil without any help from a personal d--evil.

    Moral badness? What on earth is moral badness?

    Satisfying your own DESIRES....... where did those drivs come from scotoma? ....god ! It is HIS design, his product!

    "Unnecessary Harm" most of the sin in the bible harm's nobody but god....e.g. homosexuality or woshiping another god. But how can a god be harmed? It is why such doctrines are nonsense!

    "Superfolous thing" as in "Put away all filthiness and that superfluous thing" ? What exacly are you reffering to ? What sin is useless to the individual or beyond necessary?.....give an example?...... and which sin (causing unnecessary harm by your definition) is "filthy?" to put the verse you quote in context.

    You are right about excess and greed..... or to put it simply an attempt to play probability and math with nature, something we do to survive. We only need one sperm to reach the egg but we fire millions out, we play the game of probability. We could take one apple, but we take two just in case... because we die without them. We could have sex once and have one child, but we do neither also we enjoy it. Where is this unnecessary excess , give an example? All of these things are being driven by God designed desires aren't they, even IF they are gon awry by god's desicion to make us imperfect... again where is the devil or anyone else but god to blame ?

    You say people are equipped to do evil, I will drop my non belief in ecil for a second... if you are right then you have sank god right there, for god equipped us with evil.......

    Lastly you say the bible says we are all enticed out by our desies... that isn't a very intelligent observation is it? Dog's are enticed out by sausages.

    The bible, written by humans, has noted here that humans are enticed by things they desire..... does that not seem a little self evident? The oly issue then is saying that these natural desires are wrong.... ok if you chose to believe that, but if you believe in a god that created those desires and put them in us, does he not hold the blame? Is it not odd for HE to call these things wrong? Doesn't add up or make sense AT ALL does it?

    Again... what exactly do you think are the worst and most negatve elements to life and the universe? List them.....

    As there is only one creator in your mind, who created those things in your list.........

    Has this not even slightly got you questioning your beliefs?

    What about in the bible where god commands evil acts? Like enslaving other nations without hope of freedom? Slicing open the bellies of preganant women in opposing nations that had never had a chance to worship Yaweh, nevermind the fact there were no written laws back then! What about his command to kidnap and take women of other trinbes, raping them and having children with them against their will? What about the genocides he commanded? What about that time he was dissapointed with all his children on earth but 8, so drowned them all, babies too.....

    Are these evil acts? How can YOUR god, that imaginary white bearded, shiny, white man with in white clothing with a fatherly, cuddly demeanor do all that unspeakable evil? That is not the same charachter........ that cuddly, loving fatherly man you imagine is not in the bible and even by your own ideas of the bible, all things good and bad originate in his design.....

    It makes NO SENSE. If you take it beyond the 4 year olds reasoning of all things good = God= , Satan = all things bad.... and consider the whole picture, NONE of it adds up or makes sense!

    Please expain it to me Scotoma...

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Q.: Where Do You NOW Think Wickedness Comes From?

    A.: My pants.

  • Terry

    Nathan, are you wearing plaid again?

    Here is a question for the questioner.

    If there were only ONE person on Earth would it be possible for that person to have morality?

    How would you explain that?

  • Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
    Poindexter Lionel Humperdique

    Aggression and Anger arise from an enlarged Medulla Oblongata.

  • scotoma

    Snare and Racket,

    I am not advocating belief in God or the Bible. I quote the Bible because western civilization relies on it as a moral guide. I don't believe in a God who sets the moral tone. Groups of people come up with morality which is supposed to emphasize practices that makes the whole of society function better. I think the scripture that I quoted about where evil comes from shows that a personal Devil is not needed to understand evil.

    It's kind of like "company policy" or a statement of purpose in an advocacy group or charity organization.

    I believe in evolution. Not just biological evolution but socio/cultural evolution. People over hundreds of thousands of years have figured out what seems to work. Religions try to explain those rules as God given.

    I don't believe that.

    I like what Dawkins said in the last paragraph of THE SELFISH GENE "We have the power to defy the selfish genes of our birth. We can even discuss ways of deliberately cultivating and nuturing pure, disinterested altruism-something that has no place in nature, something that has never existed before in the whole history of the world. We, alone on earth can rebel against the tyranny of the selfish replicators."

    Sorry but if you re-read what I wrote you will find that you agree with me.

  • braincleaned

    // Well, I do believe the Adversary (Satan, the devil, the deceiver, etc) exists... but he only exploits what is IN man to begin with .//Tec, does that mean God created man evil?

  • 3rdgen

    I don't think I understand. I, like many are not sure about a PERSON named Satan. Yet does that mean there is no such thing as evil? Well, I have observed that most on this board have condemed pedophilia and incest as evil. Am I wrong? In fact, simply covering these things up by the WTS is condemed on this site by everyone. How then, can it be said it those acts are not evil?

  • Fernando


    I have benefitted from Psychiatrist Morgan Scott Peck's definition of evil as "militant ignorance" and his characterisation of evil as "malignant self-righteousness".

    Through personal experience I have come to believe in channels or doors that connect the human spirit with higher dimensions, intelligences and consciousness. These appear to be thoughts, words, actions, emotions, feelings, habits, practices, attitudes and beliefs.

    I have had face-to-face conversations with persons (especially Watchtower elders) who were channelling evil entities with defined agendas (obfuscation, misdirection, control, enmity, division, decay and death).

    Then again I have had face-to-face conversations with persons who were channelling highly benevolent entities with opposite agendas.

    As to the Devil blinding our minds to the unabridged "Good News" - well I have had firsthand experience with this in myself and others. Evil persons (especially Watchtower elders) show a distinct hostility toward and contempt for the unabridged "Good News" (and in particular for certain key ingredients such as grace, salvation, imputed righteousness, imputed sonship, and imputed holiness, and Jesus' mediatorship).

  • 3rdgen

    A follow up question: Is evil dependent on INTENT? IE: Child abuse from a parent who was himself abused? I personally think there is personal moral responsibility. Just because a person has an urge to do something like rape, incest, or pedeophilia, does NOT make it natural or ok. IMO they are evil. Is covering up these things (like he WTS does) NOT evil? How can any good come of these things?

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