Seraphim, I am were not at all describing 'm' theory. You contradict it in several places, how embarassing, I wasn't expecting you to say that or be so deceitful.
Latin thunder, nope. Scientists are mere humans.
The ....scientific method the best method we have to test our human hypothesis against what we can observe i.e. 'reality'.
is it perfect? Nope, we usualy work to a confidence interval of 5% in our experiments, i.e. 95% sure we are not getting the results ...we random chance. The higher we make the percentage the higher the number of experiments we need to do, so 95% intervsls keep experiments physically practical and..importantly...'statisticslly significant'.
That aside, the stats the results are based on can be flawed and this is why it is essential to learn criticsl appraisal of evidence, so as a scientist you can see flaws in experiments and science. This is why every scientific discovery is published in a journal and peer reviewed. Mistakes or false evidence are redacted and that scientist loses their reputation.
There is a higherarchy or scientific research too latinthunder. The least significant being anecdotal evidence such as a doctor noticing that all men that eat carrots having blue ears. Human observation and instinct/intuition alone is proven wrong over snd over sgsin, but we use such observations iften to i utiate more rigorous research.
The highest being a meta analysis of random control trials. So getting groups of men randomly slecting a control group (no carrots) and the carrot eating group then looking at the results. a double blind trial will mean neither the patient or the doctor knows whoch group they are in, not always possible, but much preferred. Then the meta analysis means , doing this study repeatedly all over the workd and comparing resulst of studies that have the same criteria.
there is so much more to it than this obviously. But I am just giving you a basic idea lstin,
All in all, the scientific method has been in use since it was suggested by sir Francis Bacon around 150 years ago and its results are self evident.
If you have a better idea than the scientific method, the world is all ears!
Put it this way, I am 8 months away from being a doctor, after 7 years of study snd scientific education, I would make a life and death desicion based on the scientific data over any other method or idea or instinct. My conscience will do that knowing it is the best data we can get in 2013.
Maybe this gives an insight in how appaled I am with the G.body and their means of dictating life snd destn medical standards! Reading a scroll from the jewish desert and intepreting it's meaning as they see fit.
Snare x