Cofty, would you care to define the meaning of troll and the point of a discussion board?
Musings about different types of atheist!
by Seraphim23 304 Replies latest jw friends
If you don't know the meaning of troll, or the point of a discussion board, what are you doing here ?
Who said I didn’t know? It’s amusing to me how civil discourse goes out of the window when people don’t like what they read. Perhaps some more constructive and less aggressive posters will come on and comment.
Wow - what a ridiculous OP, so is full of fallacies and assumptoins.
You must have been bored and wanted to poke the tiger in the cage who was just trying to enjoy his sleep.
I can't for the life of me understand why people like you think atheists don't enjoy life or that right and wrong can't exist. You are clueless though about this topic. It doesn't even make logical sense.
Comatose I get the impression you didn’t read it properly. I never said all atheists don’t enjoy life or even that some don’t enjoy life. They are also beings with inner consciousness. They often, although not always, follow the tenants of humanism to supply meaning to their lives. I don’t think there is a scientifically rational and objective position however that directly proves the existence of that inner world of meaning however. Tell me how right and wrong exists if the end of all life is permanent death and the product of all life is permanent dust? Surly permanent death has more sway than temporary existence which if compared to infinite nothing would mean nothing. Unless nothing doesn’t exist that is!
Oh, lookie here: yet another thread with a theist who is projecting THEIR own fears of the nihilism THEY'D be mired in (as their pastors tell them all atheists are, which is a thinly-veiled warning of what THEY'D experience too, if they toyed with the idea of letting go of God).
Doncha just love it when others slyly TELL US what we are thinking and feeling? You'd think some would've had a gutful of that kind of thing to last a lifetime, being ex-JWs and all, but I guess not....
Seraphim...though I am not an atheist, I do believe that everyone not only has the right, but should explore their belief systems. We have all come out of a system that EVERY morality or belief decision was made for ifs, ands or buts. I think healthy discussion is vital for all of us to find our "place" in life. The one thing all of us need to avoid, atheist or believer, is to not fall back in to that "I am right and you are wrong" mindset that we escaped from in the first place. I often disagree with what Cofty and Adamah have to say, but I appreciate the intelligent and well thought out manner in which they present their positions. I doubt that I will ever be an atheist, but I do like to hear why former believers have turned that corner to atheism.
I don't think you are a troll, but this is a public forum that provides for comments and responses to musings posted. We can't become offended with other posters, providing their posts are civil, because they challenge us or disagree with what we have written.
My two cents...
Doncha just love it when others slyly TELL US what we are thinking and feeling?
Yeah, doncha? Atheists NEVER do that to theists, lol.
Oh, lookie here: yet another thread with a theist who is projecting THEIR own fears of the nihilism THEY'D be mired in (as their pastors tell them all atheists are, which is a thinly-veiled warning of what THEY'D experience too, if they toyed with the idea of letting go of God).
I am not an atheist, but as to the OP... I don't think meaning of life can be measured in time. That love also gives meaning, defining good/bad... and children, grandchildren, writing, art, music, etc... all of these things give a person a sense of continuation and connection with the world. Immortalizing them, in a sense, and satisfying that 'desire' in those that have this desire.
As well, not all atheists are rational... as some define that word. Atheists can beleive in all manner of things that certain atheists would define as irrational. Big foot, aliens, other mythical monsters, etc. Atheists can (and do) also hold irrational prejudices, racist views, sexist views, etc.
That is because atheists are just as human as the next person.
Thanks tenyearsafter. I’m not offended as such; however it’s pointless for me to discuss a topic with an aggressive, rude or sarcastic person. I’m certainly not saying I am right but in order to put forward an argument or a position one has to make points one thinks are valid. Cofty and so on can post all over the thread if they want to, but I don’t have to respond if I feel I’m not getting an honest hearing to start with. I’ll save my energy for those that would like to disagree, debate or agree, without being disagreeable. I. e people telling me to read old posts or heavy use of links of things others have written. I can do that back if I want to but it’s not a discussion at that point but an internet link competition. I want to chat to people in their own words and understandings, not others. Another issue of course is that my post will get picked apart in a nit picking kind of way and diverted away from the main thrust and logic of the post before anyone posts a response to that. If someone wants to tackle the logic of my position I’m all ears, as long as they do it without rudeness.