nice vid, nice music. problem is, JWs are often toxic friends. and people aren't bad friends just because they smoke or have other habits one doesn't agree upon.
New Watchtower video on "real friends"
by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends
Certainly a good video and worth watching, BUT:
Most of the JW's I have known over 50 years have been 'TOXIC'; (enemies)!
They're rebranding themselves.
bats in the belfry
What's their unique selling point?
Nice video really . I really agree that toxic friends will tear you down for what you believe and we really deserve better then bunch of conditional friends ! It's nice that GB teaches teenagers how to choose a real fiends . Does GB allow for teenagers to have friend among "worldly" people if they have qualities described in this vid . I don't think so ! Options are reduced back to the toxic friends I'm afraid . There's no real option to use your brain and choose real friends for them . Or is it ? 1+1=3 .
Nice video really . I really agree that toxic friends will tear you down for what you believe and we really deserve better then bunch of conditional friends ! It's nice that GB teaches teenagers how to choose a real fiends . Does GB allow for teenagers to have friend among "worldly" people if they have qualities described in this vid . I don't think so ! Options are reduced back to the toxic friends I'm afraid . There's no real option to use your brain and choose real friends for them . Or is it ? 1+1=3 .
Wasanelder Once
Could have come from the Christian Science monitor I think. Totally harmless. As noted, few if any JW's fit this description. Most are out for what they can get in a friendship, giving means leaving old magazines at houses not caring for a friend's needs.
Max Divergent
It has nothing whatever to do with JW's, and it's a good video. It's just that it's irrelevent to the Watchtower.
Just at the end it says somthing like "choose your friends wisely, choose real friends" then goes to the graphic. That was the only jarring note, it's like a website, the JW website, is a real friend.
The e=mc2 graphic was funny: as if physics education is encouraged by JWs! LOL!
Couldn't watch the whole thing-- made me want to vomit!
One good friend is better than lots of fake friends = Get used to the fact that you are not going to have lots of good dub friends. One will have to suffice.
Since when are dubs allowed to develop their talents or have hobbies. Seriously?
Step out of your comfort zone to find new friends = The likelyhood of finding a dub friend near your own age who you actually like and can have fun with are slim to none. Get used to it.
Wow, that vid was so cool I think I'll go back!
They're obviously working with a marketing firm. Was there not a mention of God or Jehovah in the vid?
Many JWs will think this is very slick and get an increased sense of pride after watching it. It will work as intended.