This reminds me of the Mormon ad campaign, "...and I am a Mormon". This is a way to look more mainstream and normal. Nothing here says that your friend MUST go to the Kingdom Hall, that even those who go to the KH may be labeled as bad association and you are not allowed to associate. They say nothing about not being allowed contact with this friend if he ever questions the WT. This is totally cult PR, although I admit, well done.
New Watchtower video on "real friends"
by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends
Cedars I appreciate the work that you do on here....but excuse me,
I throw this back into the faces of the GB .....I refuse to even consider it!
Fricking deceptive assholes!
This video is terrible and full of hypocrisy. My former best friend could actually learn a bunch from this generic advice about standing by his friend no matter what. Watchtower doesn't mean what this video clearly says. I am kind of pissed that they did not include their own little obedience statements in there like "...unless they leave Jehovah" or "they should only be fellow believers" or the like.
I have more rant to say, but it doesn't add up to anything beyond- Watchtower does not truly support this generic information for it's followers.
Most JWs only look outside the Borg for "real" friends. The friendships in a cult are vertical (heirarchical, leading to rat finks) rather than as equals or as a "horizontal" friendship. Very common. Never trust the best of JW friends.
Randy Watters
Found Sheep
wow I think it is an exjw in the ranks
The irony is that the video contains a lot of good information but none of it applies to the watchtower society. The society is full of toxic friends who will tear you down, who will judge you for what you believe and who abandon you when times get tough because they have too much to do and if you aren't contributing to the work then you are dead weight.
They say these things to create the impression that the congregations are full of people who will be like family. If they say it enough people will believe it. I would love to see a response video.
Yeah!Way to go on the hypocrisy! I've been thinking about forwarding this video to friends of mine that now shun me. These are their organization's words...something to munch on.
Muddy Waters
I think the WTS has paid a lot of money to R & D and outside advertisers.
If they really did come up with this by themselves, they must be as deluded as ever to say such things. Because we all know how they can talk out of both sides of their mouth and totally believe both things.
TJ Curioso
I like the video. Have good advices!
At last one video that I could agree without make any complains... Lolol