How come whe I grew up I could only have friends who went to meetings, out in service, and carried the company line? I don't remember being told it was good to branch out and find friends of different backgrounds.
New Watchtower video on "real friends"
by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends
Back to their Adventist roots: Smiling faced 7th-Day Adventists could not have done better! But a betrayal of their mad-as-an-axe predecessor, Rutherford - man, he'd be livid at the modern organization's soft-ars*d blandness. Don't worry Judge Rutherford because not much has really changed - it's only a slick PR charm offensive.
man oh man
They just continue to condemn themselves. lol
Trevor Scott
It appears their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Yan Bibiyan
Actually, there is so much psychology in this video that I don't know where to begin.
The marketing message is woven in dozens of mini loops ending with the closure of one giant loop at the end when the JW.ORG logo appears.
Do not have the time to disect it now, but a great marketing effort.
That video seems to be a copy of "minute physics" videos on youtube...