I felt much the same when I first read it.
by TTATTelder 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I felt much the same when I first read it.
CoC is a lovely book indeed. Welcome!
Thanks for posting and welcome to the board!
I also read Crisis of Conscience after learning TTATT. Second book I read after Apocalypse Delayed by Jim Penton (also an excellent read). I second your positive statements about Ray and CoC. After reading, I was left with the same feeling; the curtain had been pulled back!
When I started reading COC, i snuck it into my office at work (other JW's work there) and whenever I heard someone out in the hallway I would hide it.
Then I brought it home and left it laying around for my wife and it worked.
Welcome TTATTElder!
I guess we believe in the rapture now!
I said this to friends and they just laughed, and basically admitted, yup, it's true! I must hang with closet apostates.
Also interesting how you "got made" as your doubts surfaced. This happened to me, too, in and around 2000. I was "reaching out" to be an elder and doing research on my own when I discovered Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 587. I also read some comparative mythology stuff which showed that elements of the OT were predated by Sumerian myths. . . Then 911 happened, I was appointed, and all those thoughts got pushed down. .. . .
You will find several, more than a few in fact, individuals here, with similar stories to yours. Some, like myself, are still a part of the congregation, but have taken 2 big steps back, and are just watching. Changes that are happening almost daily become a source of entertainment, not a revelation of "new light".
There is the realization that the Play that unfolds in front of you is not real. Then at some point you realize that what you have forced yourself to believe, despite what your deepest conscience tells you, is a fabrication. Its a sham. It endears a sort of dumfounded, mouth-open, WTF have-I-been-doing moment.
It will take a while for it all to sink in; for some, like myself, it may take even longer. There are some things I struggle with every day...this whole charade has been on my mind EVERY DAY for almost 2 years. It has taken over 40 years to grind it into my being, it will take more than a few to get out from under the cultish control, and find myself............... ourselves.
Its good to have a place to chat with others who have similar feelings. Spend some time looking at past posts, you will quickly find others in your same state of awakening. Welcome.
Jack Harper, Tech49
Tech49, great post.
Well done, keep it short and to the point. Makes it easy for everyone to enjoy. No thirteen paragraph posts please! Loved reading it, welcome.
welcome! It is nothing new around here to find out that the holy spirit is not behind your appointment, but it is schock for all of us when we wake up to the manipulations. Best tip I can give you, is to take it slow and one day at a time. Don't forget that even Ray himself and a lot of other people from the 80's did not just quick over night. Plan your escape and prepare your mind and emotions for the the true roller coaster ride you have just begun.