An Elder Reads CoC !!

by TTATTelder 89 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    TTATTelder ,welcome to the board , and I hope you have success GRADUALLY enlightening your wife to the real truth.I agree with the poster who suggested using the search option ,so many subjects covered by so many informative knowedgable people on this site .


  • wannaexit

    I completely missed this thread. I'm glad I found it this morning. I am also glad TTATTelder that your "awakening" has begun. So much for holy spirit behind appointments. What a farce ! Ray's books were also instrumental for me. I hope that you will also read In Search of Christian Freedom. As others have pointed out, take it easy with your family and I also am of the opinion that a slow fade is better than the "bull in the china" approach. It took me a lot longer than hubby to sort things out. All the best to you as you embark on this wonderful new journey.

  • ProfCNJ

    Hi TTATTelder. Thanks for the reply to my PM. I have sent a new batch of message.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    TTATTelder - welcome!! Looking forward to your participation.

  • AuntConnie

    Imagine being stuck in a religion you no longer believe in, you are following your husband's dreams because that's the only group of friends you ever had and will know. The fear of picking up a book by Ray Franz is scary when I already know this is not the truth. It's obvious by the lying games elders play, I was part of a group of women who were going to hire a stripper for a girl's bridal shower. Ask yourselves, what kind of elders wives would help the wives of the ministerial servants try to hire a stripper to teach them how to do nasty things? That's what you are getting yourself out of once you begin to leave this Cult! The diseased minds running the local to headquarters don't need Ray Franz's books when it's all right before your eyes if you are able to open them up!

    Ministerial Servants taking kids to Metelllica concerts or Pioneers who follow Heavy Metal artist like groupies. One elder was complaining about his son who has been following seven different Heavy Metal bands since 1989, he and his Pioneer wife dress up like Satan's little heavy-metal rock-stars for the night. These are the same freaks that will get up on the platforum and warn you from listening to music, tell you how bad worldy entertainment is. Some of the families are allowing teenagers to drink until their tipsy and the sexual issues are bigger than ex-JWs can even imagine. We are starting to implode from the center to the top, the rampant abuse and hatred we feel towards each other is obscene. Do you really need COC when the wickedness is all around you, just open your eyes in your Kingdom Hall and if you do say you saw something the elders will bury you and force you to leave their Kingdom Hall ASAP! I will read this book, I would not mind divorcing the man who use to lock me in my room for hours and has spent all our retirement money because he does not like to work. Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians, I heard Ray Franz was a Christian so is that book really relevant to a Jehovah's Witness since do not practice the qualities of Christ?

    My husband has forced me to hang around with a Pedophile because the local circuit has black-balled this creep! So, imagine how fucked up my life is, my best friend is suppose to be my husband and he think's its a good idea for us to socialize with a pedophile who confessed to all his sins. Who need's Crisis of Conscience when you have a fucked up husband like mine who is in line for being the next Circuit Overseer?

  • notjustyet

    Aunt Connie,..

    We all have a limited time on this Earth and living a lie and the stress it can cause will no prolong this life, it actually can shorten it due to this stress.

    Do what you can to solve this problem in the least damaging way you can. When I saw you broke character I knew we were getting ready to hear some deep stuff. Just the pedophile stuff alone is damaging on so many levels.

    Hang in there,....


  • Dis-Member

    Thank you for sharing your exoerience in real time TTATTelder.. I wish you all the best on your new journey and wish more elders would start opening their eyes!!

    Best wishes to you.

  • BU2B

    Welcome TTATT Elder! Congratulations on waking up to TTATT. I am a MS that is still in too. I do as little as I can get away with, but even that gets really old fast. I am trying to wake up my wife slowly and ask her questions to get her to think, and I think I am slowly seeing some indistinct signs. It is alot to juggle, being an awakened elder, thinking about how to step down, how to wake up the wife etc.. just take it slow and have a plan is all I can say. Some days you will feel ok, others depressed, othhers straight up pissed off. Your path was much like mine.. Jwfacts and Jw strugllle and lurking here first, then CoC. I highly suggest you read In Search of Christian Freedom as well. I found it even better than his first book. Keep posting here.. It is sooo hard not to have anyone to confide in. You cannot tell a JW obviously, and the average non-JW will not understand. It is so nice to have here people with similiar experiences and some who are going through the same thing at the same time. PM me anytime if you want to talk privately, and we can talk. We are in this together Bro.. Good Luck on your journey but just think, the greatest hurdle, your own mind has already been crossed -BU2B

  • His Excellency
  • EdenOne

    Reading CoC was also a defining moment for me.


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