There will be lots of excellent advice from wise ones on this site as to how you may craft your exit. Based on what you describe (current, new elder, born=in generational, likely lots of family) your exit likely should be slow, methodicial and well planned. My common concern for you and ones like you is whether you can keep your new-found knowledge - and likely the derision for all things WT that comes with it - from entering your talks, counsel and private discussions with other JWs, including other elderes. If you have the mindset enabling you to do so, then a slow fade would be best by far. And it would allow you to gauge family and friends in the WT as you plot the next step of your exit.
However, most find it difficult to keep their anger/hurt/betrayal about what they have learned about the WT from oozing out. Being an elder, as you know, will cause you more grief than you can imagine if that starts occurring. OK, maybe you can imagine. You will likely start getting fewer speaking engagements and other perks of being an elder (such as being asked to be on Judicial Committees or being able to play in all of the raindeer games). You may be isolated, and the BOE may even begin to speak to others about you and any 'unsavory' ideas or thoughts you may have expressed. And this can drag your family and friends into meetings and you and yours can be isolated to a large degree.
I would recommend to anyone who doesn't have family in the WT, congregation responsibilities or other strong difficult- to- break ties to the Borg to leave ASAP and as quietly in the night as possible. Judicial committess and interrogations aren't fun. It happened to me and my family and it has happened to many others. Good luck