Let him have fun with a little imagination. Or you can sit him down tell him there is no god and everyone on earth will burn up in a billion years and life is meaningless. I would go with the tooth fairy story.
Lying to children
by jwfacts 50 Replies latest jw friends
I would tell mine " what doyou thinK? Do you think she is real? I always got the answer yes and then in thier minds it was settled.They all enjoyed pretending to the younger ones when thier own older, more developed minds figured out the reality. We liked to play it up with glitter and gold dollor coins when they came out.
Children live in a magical world where many things are magical. I believe in allowing them to feel the magic of childhood. They grow out of it and it is not an unahppy thing. I do not, however, lie when asked straight out. I answer with what do you think. Not once did my any of my children ever push it farther because they didn't really want me to say. Whenolder they talked about how Mom dprinkled glitter etc... , but it was discussion, not to ask me. I never killed the illusion for them, they just grew out of it. I still make easter baskets, and still have presents from Santa for them. They kow that is all made up but they love the pretending. ( now pretending for the 8 year old who still believes, mostly)
paranoia agent
laverite : Paranoia agent - what psychological studies are you referring to? Cult classic made an excellent point. What empirical evidence have you read that leads you to think that what cult classic wrote is not correct?
Buy a book on child psychology that is taught in tertiary education, or try google scholar for peer review articles on parent child relationships.
not bitter
Being brought up a JW I feel I missed out on the make believe part that all my school friends had the priveledge of enjoying. I make sure I tell my child all about father Christmas, the tooth fairy and Easter bunny. Its something that she can enjoy along with her friends. I don't want her missing out like I did. They soon realise its not real and it does no harm to them. In fact I think that deep down she may be starting to disbelieve but I know she enjoys the fun of it all.
Enjoy it while it lasts. It does no damage. It is more damaging to tell them its all a lie and spoil their fun.
Thats my opinion anyway
Thanks, great comments. I let Zac enjoy Santa and the Tooth Fairy. I just act very noncommittal when he asks if they are real, so as not to lie. I don't know whether I should just let go and endulge him more in the whole wonderment of it all.
BTW - what is the going rate for a tooth?
I would say, "The tooth fairy is a fun pretend person like Barney the dinosaur."
I say let your children be children as long as possible, allow them to indulge in escapism, i agination, magic and fairytales...
They will grow up and face reality soon enough, but while they have the means to enjoy such wild abandon Of reality, let them.
They won't ever call you out on it ;) imagination and fun are all positive and beneficial.
Just avoid anything to do with sin, blood sacrifice, displeasing a god, worship, exclusive devotion and righteous wrath i.e. the disgusting tales told to JW kids, and all will be well ;) x
snare x
For a bucket of chicken, Larry the Cable Guy will be the tooth fairy. Maybe watch the movie together..... not a bad sit when I watched with my 6 and 8 year old.
not bitter
Whats the going rate for a tooth?
I don't know. My daughter won't leave her teeth for tooth fairy. She wants to keep them for herself!
Jehovah's Witnesses are very critical of the tooth fairy and Santa
and yet they enjoy the Magic Kingdom and all Mickey mouse has to offer
even though its all make believe
Kids find out as they get older that thier parents indulged them in a fantasy
And the best thing is. As they get older and stop believin' in thier childhood fantasies
they are not disowned and shunned.
Unlike Jehovah' Witnesses who lie not only to the children but grown folks too
about the things that's supposed to be true
Life through the eyes of a child is full of wonder ,expectation and excitment
Jehovah's Witnesses cull that from the young too early in thier life