To Adonai438:
: So Alan F.,, Are we to take it that you are a 'good' Bible scholar speaking from actual knowledge of the greek language?
My knowledge comes from reading what many different scholars have said. I have the barest personal knowledge of Greek.
: I do know a bit of greek
It appears that "a bit" is a bit of an exaggeration; see below.
: and Know people that speak it fluently and know a bit a bout the grammar of that passage and quite a few others.
I suspect that what you "know" comes entirely from biased persons.
: I can't write out the greek here due to lack of the proper font
You can transliterate, as I have done. Put the Greek in italics, and it's pretty clear.
: but the litteral translation for the part of John 1:1 in question is "and God was the Word."
This shows that you do not know what you're talking about. First, the original Greek was entirely in capital letters, lowercase only being invented many hundreds of years after the 1st century. So the literal translation would have been "AND GOD WAS THE WORD". Second, the use of "God" here is an interpretation, not an automatic result of straightforward translation.
The best scholars understand that the translation "and God was the Word" is misleading, because without a careful explanation that "God" here refers to the nature of God -- whatever that is -- and not the person of God, it equates "God" with "the Word" -- something that I'm sure you do not believe is a proper equation. But I already said this in my above post. Why do you ignore that?
: Saying that the absence of the article--the greek equivalent of the word 'the'-- means that the word is not God
I did not say that.
: comes from a lack of knowledge of Greek and a hopes that the english translation can be manipulated to say what one wishes were true.
Saying that I said what I did not comes either from a lack of reading comprehension or a hope that readers will not notice that you're misrepresenting what I said.
: There is a word for 'The' and a word for 'A'
In English, yes. In Greek there is a family of words for "the" but no words for "a".
: so when appropriate they are used, the lack in the original languages does not mean an abiguity-- just read it for what it says.
In many cases the meaning is ambiguous, and requires a judgment call by the translator. The fact that you don't appear to know this further shows that you don't know what you're talking about.
: So you are saying that the fact that it doesn't say "and THE God was the Word" means that the word isn't God............. very interesting.
No, I did not say that. I said that the lack of an article, plus other factors I described above and will not repeat, shows that the word theos is not being used as a noun, but qualitatively. This means that it is referring to the nature of God, whatever that is. Thus we would have "the Word had the nature of {god or God}", or "the Word was divine", where we understand "divine" to mean "having a divine nature". A similar thing using only English would be to try to say, "John is human", where "human" is qualitative. We could also say, "John is a human" or, more oddly, "Human is John". But in English "human" can properly be used qualitatively all by itself, or with the indefinite article "a" (which Greek does not have), to mean essentially the same thing. In other words, there is no real difference between saying "John is human" and "John is a human", because both mean "John is an entity in the category `human' ". But in Greek, you have no choice since there is no indefinite article.
: Does this apply across the board: where the article is left out that means the personage being spoken of is not God?
No. There are NT examples where the anarthrous theos unarguably refers to God.
: Would the article being left in mean the personage is God?
Usually in the NT, but not always.
: What is the hard and fast rule for this interpretation to judge the scriptures with?
There are no hard and fast rules. Word usage is helpful, but context plays a big role. So does one's overall view of what the NT says about the relation between God and Jesus.
: If it helps clear anything up for you I could give you all the references in which the Greek does include the article before Theos in reference to Jesus. I could also give you all the references where the greek leaves out the article before Theos in reference to the Father.
It might be interesting to compare those with the references I have.
: Incidentally, There are no reputable or well known greek scholars with the JW interpretation of John 1.
If you mean that there are no such scholars who would say that using "a god" in John 1:1c, as does the JW's New World Translation, best represents John's thought, then you're probably right. However, there are a number of good scholars who admit that it is grammatically permissible. They reject it on theological grounds, which is no surprise, given that virtually all recognized theological scholars are trinitarians. This is a bit of a catch-22 situation because scholars who publicly reject the Trinity doctrine have a short shelf life.
By the way, since I'm not a JW, it makes no difference to me what the JWs say about these matters.
: In JW literature they assert they have scholars on their side but the scholars they name are most certainly against such interpretations and have have threatened law suit against the WTBS for saying they support them and their interpretations and for mis-quoting them. The letters against the WT have been published if you doubt this.
Please stop talking in generalizations. You're talking about the late Julius Mantey, whom the Watchtower certainly misrepresented. But the fact that the Watchtower misrepresents certain people and issues has no bearing on the validity of my arguments. My arguments are based on what I have read in a variety of sources, including solidly trinitarian ones.
: The only 'scholars' that come close to agreeing with them are obscure and do not support the interpretation of JWs on many other important issues including one at least that claims his interpretation came from the spirits he was consulting.
Right, the Watchtower thoroughly embarassed itself by using Johannes Greber's translation to support certain claims, Greber being a spiritist and all.
: I would be very cautious about claiming scholarly backup without checking it because of this.
No argument there.
Now, if you want to continue this discussion intelligently, you'll have to discuss the issues I've brought up rather than just to ignore them and present other material. This is not a case of "your sources" cancelling "my sources". It's a case of what the evidence as a whole indicates.