Kenneson, I don't know how to make it any simpler. Perhaps an analogy would help.
Tell me, are you a true human or a false human? Why do you answer so?
by evangelist 178 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Kenneson, I don't know how to make it any simpler. Perhaps an analogy would help.
Tell me, are you a true human or a false human? Why do you answer so?
Alan F.,
I'm truly a human, but it has nothing to do with my veracity or lack of it.
Kenneson, you didn't answer my question.
Let's assume that you discovered the true nature of that mystery, "Is God and Christ the same being?" Let's say you discovered the meaning of that same mystery on the very same day you found out you had four kinds of malignant cancer and would die within the year.
Would you still go trick-or-treating on Halloween? Would you buy a Christmas tree if you had enough life left in you? Would you still donate to the Disabled American Veterens?
Idiot. You're looking in the wrong places! Do you think the God of Gods thinks about the piddly shit and even if He does, do you think that shit affects your eternal destiny with our Creator? Well?
Kenneson said:
: While it is true that the Bible admits of other gods doesn't mean that it promotes them. I worship one God but I certainly
don't believe in these other gods, nor would I posit the argument of other gods to minimize Jesus' role, as if He is another god
amongst the many.
I worship them all. I'm not taking ANY chances on those Gods fucking me up.
Alan F,
I don't think anyone would deny that I am human (I exhibit
the attributes of man--I think, I reflect, etc.), but as to
whether I am truthful or a liar, you will have to ask those
who know me. Of course, I like to think of myself as truthful.
I suppose the same is true of you.
What god died for ùs and shed his blood so we can be righteous?
the bible says :1Tm:3:16: And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
What god did this?
notice the MANIFESTATION in the verse.
I hope this is a fact that God is Jesus.
let God bless you
Proverb:4:7: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Do you remember
The lessons taught in your past?
And how old were you
Before you wondered how many were lies?
They tried to teach you about the Antichrist
They tried to teach that Christ was nice
Did they say anything about the terms?
That eternal life meant food for worms
Don't die for their
Please take my soul
And please control
But would you just please go?
I think it's about time
I wipe my ass with your holy book
God is dead and the Pope's a crook
A blackened heart you claim is pure
You're a plague and we're the cure
I spit on the shit you prophesize
Your Apocalypse a pack of lies
Each generation says their time has come
Clutching on the thread of martyrdumb
Each generation says their time has come
Doomsday starts when we kill the son
And embrace your lonely martyrdumb
What were you told?
That the streets would be paved in gold?
I've got news for you, you are the road
Well, I know better, Bub
God lives in a nuclear sub
Your religion is the greatest scam
Because we're all dead and we're all damned
In the eyes of your
Martyrdom as performed by Gwar
If your god and religion are dead, try mine. They are
very much alive.
Contradiction at its best. One line proclaims "God is dead"
and another "God lives in a nuclear sub."