New Blog Post: why did God seemingly allow Cain to get away with murder?

by adamah 79 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel

    : Questions, comments (as well as heads-up on typos, grammar, etc) welcome here, as usual!

    My only question is why someone would take an obviously bullshit story seriously in the first place. God lets Cain skate on his first-degree murder and then later murders the entire planet, including little babies and permits only one family to survive, including the drunken guy who gets smashed and lays around naked in front of his kids. HE became the patriarch of the gene pool for the rest of us!

    Yeah, right.


  • tec

    Adamah, you have brought Cain into Paul's reasoning. (something you say I cannot do by bringing Christ into it... lol)

    You also have not established that Cain committed "manslaughter" over "murder". (The account in Noah does not specify murder over manslaughter either, for that matter... and I think you completely glossed over it as being a clarification added to the 'you can eat meat', but not meat with lifesblood in it)

    As you yourself have pointed out, Cain WAS punished by God, but it was delivered without any law having been on the books, since the fact remains that God didn't prohibit bloodshed until AFTER the Flood. You're simply exposing more contradictions with God's "perfect" justice, since God is punishing Cain even before God declared manslaughter OR murder as a sin, with their prescribed punishments.

    I think that just contradicts your position, Adamah... (which you are saying is Paul's position... but I think you are mistaken)... and then you have to make another addendum, calling it manslaughter instead of murder, to justify this position you have taken, calling everyone else confused.

    Really, the only confusion here is in the position that you are trying to establish, and the justifications and amendments that you have to make to be able to do so. You have rewritten the reason for the flood as being because men were murdering one another and God forgot to tell them not to murder, so he wiped the slate clean because of his error (which also contradicts the whole not holding men accountable for there not having been a law). You have to jump through so many loops... the author of Genesis was confused, Paul was confused, chirstianity is confused (can't argue with you there though... else there wouldn't be so many different understandings of things, lol)... but maybe its you who is confused.


    Much simpler: The evil in the world came from the hearts of men... the same place murder came from in Cain... and not from God forgetting to make murder against the law.


    And the account in Cain shows that God DOES warn people against the sin or path that they are taking, personally... or the harm that they are going to commit or even come to as a consequence of their actions, as He also did for Adam and Eve. That is an example that some do not take away from the account, and you are also not seeing. God teaches; God serves; but the choice is always our own what we DO with that. God warned Cain, and told him what he must do... Cain, like many others, did not listen to God. But God obviously spoke to warn men from their path.


    Peace, tammy

  • adamah

    Prologos said-

    why was Cain's action manslaughter , when he

    a) had motive b) was shown to be harbouring hate,envie, being at the verge of action when warned, took time to think about it further*, c) planned or picked the place perhaps even carried the stick? like today'shockey players?

    Did you read the article?

    Short answer is, God ruled it as manslaughter, not murder; that's the implication from the way God handled it, and the story serves as dramatic foreshadowing for the later way manslaughter was handled under Mosaic Law.


  • adamah

    TEC said-

    Adamah, you have brought Cain into Paul's reasoning. (something you say I cannot do by bringing Christ into it... lol)

    I don't follow: how do you explain away Paul talking about Adam and then in the same scripture talking about those who followed, WITHOUT referring to Cain, Abel, Lamech, and the rest of the humans who lived before the Flood (anybody mentioned up to Genesis 4)?

    You also have not established that Cain committed "manslaughter" over "murder". (The account in Noah does not specify murder over manslaughter either, for that matter... and I think you completely glossed over it as being a clarification added to the 'you can eat meat', but not meat with lifesblood in it)

    So you've figured out the animal dietary addition (to veges), and you got the "don't eat blood with the flesh" part, and you even quoted the correct scripture which climaxes in God's vowing to demand an accounting for spilled blood (homicide), but you don't understand it? Don't feel bad: Genesis 9:6 is hard to grasp, due to the incredibly dense Hebraic wording used which obscurates the message (which is what you get with 3,000 yr old writings). It's why the JWs have adopted their flawed "no blood transfusion" policy, too.

    But you STILL haven't provided a scripture to prove your claim that God gave mankind laws before the Flood?

    (HINT: there IS a reference to God giving mankind laws before the Flood that exists in Genesis, but you'd REALLY have to know the subject matter. In fact, ask Jesus to tell you: if he knows the Hebrew Bible as well as the Son of God claims, he'd know exactly what I'm referring to.)

    I think that just contradicts your position, Adamah... (which you are saying is Paul's position... but I think you are mistaken)... and then you have to make another addendum, calling it manslaughter instead of murder, to justify this position you have taken, calling everyone else confused.

    What does Jesus have to say about my reading of the Yahwist's account? He deserves to get his butt chewed out for writing an anecdote that makes Jesus' parables look bush league, and it only confused poor Apostle Paul 1,000 yrs later.

    Really, the only confusion here is in the position that you are trying to establish, and the justifications and amendments that you have to make to be able to do so. You have rewritten the reason for the flood as being because men were murdering one another and God forgot to tell them not to murder, so he wiped the slate clean because of his error (which also contradicts the whole not holding men accountable for there not having been a law).

    The responsibility for untangling the contradictions rests on you, the believer, and not me: in case you forgot, remember I am an atheist? I don't look at the Bible in a lovie-dovie devotional manner, but as a puzzle with mysteries to untangle.

    You have to jump through so many loops... the author of Genesis was confused, Paul was confused, chirstianity is confused (can't argue with you there though... else there wouldn't be so many different understandings of things, lol)... but maybe its you who is confused.

    You are confused, as I NEVER said the author of Genesis was confused: he knew EXACTLY what he was trying to communicate with the story, and he was clearly a very clever and intelligent person. The problem was he got too clever for his own good, and wrote a tale that only confused those who misunderstood the account, esp after the historical context changed (which wasn't his fault: he couldn't predict the future changes that would alter the context in which his story was heard). There were rabbis who saw Cain as guilty of manslaughter, who argued with the camp who saw it as murder; there is evidence of redactors who tried to tip the scales to support their opinion (the 'murder' camp, mostly, involving the use of the plural form of 'blood' to overcome the 'two witness' rule), and the tug-of-war that resulted in confusion persisted, until the issue went dormant for centuries and the significance of the original context was lost in the sands of time.

    Much simpler: The evil in the world came from the hearts of men... the same place murder came from in Cain... and not from God forgetting to make murder against the law.

    And where did the evil that got into the hearts of men come from? Who made the evil that COULD get in men's hearts?

    And the account in Cain shows that God DOES warn people against the sin or path that they are taking, personally...or the harm that they are going to commit or even come to as a consequence of their actions, as He also did for Adam and Eve. That is an example that some do not take away from the account, and you are also not seeing. God teaches; God serves; but the choice is always our own what we DO with that. God warned Cain, and told him what he must do... Cain, like many others, did not listen to God. But God obviously spoke to warn men from their path.

    Whole lotta jibber-jabber, and yet no scripture showing where God gave mankind law prohibiting bloodshed BEFORE the Flood?


  • prologos

    It is one of the very unfortunate choices that "GOD" let the blood line and gene riches of a jealous murderer (manslayer) continue, with all the other choices around over a technicality. (the court decised it is not murder) despite the evidence to the contrary.

    An excuse for religions today (and this was a doctrinal/competition dispute after all) to

    shun/spiritually murder dissidents.

    or beheading, burn them, whatever is your weapon of choice.

    first splitting hairs, then heads.

  • tec

    I don't follow: how do you explain away Paul talking about Adam and then in the same scripture talking about those who followed, WITHOUT referring to Cain, Abel, Lamech, and the rest of the humans who lived before the Flood (anybody mentioned up to Genesis 4)?

    The flood is not even mentioned Adam. This is something that you have interpreted. Paul makes a statement about death reigning from the time of Adam to the time of Moses... when the law is given (at the time of moses). Nothing to do with the flood.

    Now, you earlier said that Paul was confused about Cain. What about John? He also called Cain a murderer. Was he also confused?

    But you STILL haven't provided a scripture to prove your claim that God gave mankind laws before the Flood?

    Love IS the law... it may not have been a written law but that does not mean it was any less TRUE. Because that is what God IS. Love. Anything that is against love is against God.

    Cain acted against love. Cain acted against God, even when God warned Him. You think the world was not warned about the coming flood? You think because something was not written, that it did not happen? As long as your sole source is the bible, and without the Spirit, you will be missing some of those puzzle pieces. Because the bible is not a "perfect" source of knowledge.

    (And yeah... be fruitful and mulitply... is the command that God gave; rule over (govern/care for/husband) the earth and all that is in it; murder tends to go against that. But obviously, you have dismissed that as well.)

    The responsibility for untangling the contradictions rests on you, the believer, and not me: in case you forgot, remember I am an atheist? I don't look at the Bible in a lovie-dovie devotional manner, but as a puzzle with mysteries to untangle.

    I don't look at the bible in a lovie-dovie devotional manner either; but I think you do so more than I do because I don't consider it a puzzle with mysteries to untangle (much the way some men would describe a woman they have fallen in love with).

    But you have created the contradiction here, Adamah... it was not there to begin with.

    And where did the evil that got into the hearts of men come from? Who made the evil that COULD get in men's hearts?

    We have had this discussion before. From their own desires... from wanting something for themselves... more then caring for others or with no care at all for how that effects others. Eventually that desire grows and grows, and eventually entices one to sin.



  • Comatose

    On I see tamster.

    God and Jebus were so pathetically weak and failure prone that they couldn't just create good and worthwhile Sons. Instead they created people and angels who have a propensity to evil and being enticed. Of course they are perfect and love. They just are failures when it comes to creating.

  • tec

    God DID create a good son (Adam)... who chose to go his own way, listening to the evil one over God, because he wanted something for himself that he did not have yet.

    His sons (Adam's sons) were not perfect, because they came from Adam, after Adam had sin and death in him.



  • Comatose

    What evil? God is love right? Where did the evil come from? It couldn't exist if god made everything and has no evil.

  • tec

    Same response as to Adamah a couple posts above, Comatose. Not sure what else to add.

    Can you consider that man could have created evil, himself... giving it a doorway into 'existence'... himself?

    By going against love?

    Not just man, but any creature, like Satan and the angels that followed him?



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