Spartacus said:
Islam sells it's faith to blacks on the basis of white vs black passions, this is why many African Americans become Muslim because the are lied to about Muhummad being an AFRICAN which is a lie!
'Cause when I first left the b'ORG I didn't KNOW where I was gonna go. All I'd ever known for my 23 years of life was the b'ORG. I moved into a boarding house, downtown, and started to explore "The World."
One evening I was approached by a well-dressed young man belonging to the "Nation." And he and I argued back and forth for over an hour. At the end of the day I agreed to visit his Masjid -- and did-- where I heard ANOTHER even BETTER dressed Black man speak on the fact that "The Original Black Man" was an Arabic-speaking Muslim and follower of Allah.
So I understand, Lisa, that Spartacus is not trying to inflame the Black vs White debate with his commentary -- he's trying to make a point that is probably embarassingly difficult for a "NON-person-of-colour" to fully grasp: that the Farakhan-followers (Farakhan being the ideological descendant of Elijah (Poole) Muhammad, moreso than Elijah's own son Warith)are deceiving BLACK FOLK with the myth that our ancestors were Muslims.
Furthermore, that we need not be so enamored with Muhammad and his covey, inasmuch as the Asian-brown skinned Arabs of the Middle Ages saw US with as much contempt as their European counterparts, and are therefore no more our "friends" than they were.
It is also important, in view of the present conflict; lest we believe that this war concerns our allies -- it does NOT!
Keep the Faith