Hygh you said:
Ok first, we arent using the race card to say whythey should not be muslims. Rather we are
stating that Muslims groups like Nation of Islam
that claim that the original muslims were black
(africans) are not stating the truth. They are using
the race card to claim that blacks should be
muslim. We are merely refuting their claim. In
addition to refuting their claim, we are showing
just how detrimental Islam has been to dark
Agreed.As to you feeling Arabs are on the black side of the
skin debate, I am sure there are more than a few
that would take offense at that. Nor did I say the
Quran is accurate. What I did state was that there
are degrees of 'white' and degrees of 'black'. If a
people is mostly very very dark, and there are
some light skinned, almost pale skinned peoples
dwelling among them, they would perhaps
be thought of as white. Again we are not speaking
of them being thought of as European, just lighter
In any case it brings us back to the originalFULLY AGREE!!!!arguement. The claim by Nation of Islam, and
other Muslim groups, when they are dealing with
blacks, that Muhammed was black, and that Islam
originated with African tribes in an effort to convert
blacks to their religion. This claim is historically
false, has no basis in fact, and is simply another
manipulation technique. If they wish to give other
reasons for africans joining, then do so. If they
wish to quote the numbers of Africans who are now
muslim, do so. Or the effect Islam has had on
converts from Africa, do so. But then if they did so, perhaps Africans, American blacks that is, would simply laugh and walke away, or worse, demand reparations from them.
As to you feeling Arabs are on the black side of the skin debate, I am sure there are more than a few that would take offense at that
Of course they would! Shit, be ANYTHING but black!!!! [8>] Shit, black people don't even want to be black! Black carries connotations of lazy, shiftless etc etc. Remove the negative connotations and black is merely a skin color with neither positive nor negative qualities.
What I did state was that there are degrees of 'white' and degrees of 'black'. If a people is mostly very very dark, and there are some light skinned, almost pale skinned peoples dwelling among them, they would perhaps be thought of as white. Again we are not speaking of them being thought of as European, just lighter skinned.
Fully agree, which is why you will see my reference to light skinned blacks early on in the argument.
As for Louis Farrakhan invoking the old "Original Muslims were black" argument--he is playing the race card as well as the author does!!!! Besides just being an asshole in general and having partial responsibility in the death of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Which should really make the argument that blacks should have nothing to do with Islam.
And my position is that the truth lay somewhere in the middle.
I find it interesting--where are all the white people claiming Arabs as their own? Just another example of looking down on anyone with skin browner than your own.