Average Age of this Forum?
by Garrett 69 Replies latest jw friends
Sail Away
56, a brand new grandma and lovin' it! -
I'll be 48 in 4 month.
So this could be a way to get you. BIg brother is watching and collecting and waiting to...POUNCE when you least expect it..
I'm almost 50
Sixty here. I used to think it was mostly people my age or at least forty plus, but I have noticed a lot more younger people lately and the survey seems to show a mix of all ages.
I think that's a good thing.
Heck yeah! More people getting out early, going to get to live their lives. -
46 - been here 10 years. still in. -
Crisis of Conscience
35 here! -
never a jw
50.1287 -
So 75% of us are in the 30-60 range, evenly spread out!
I wonder if the 20-30 bracket is so low because nowadays those who wake up in that age bracket just leave with little need for a forum like this.
Good straw poll!