Classless American Behavior

by Pathofthorns 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Alright, now I've got to say it. I'm real tired of all this overly patriotic complaining. I never knew hockey games to be terribly classy events to begin with, but that's not quite my point. We have fallen prey to this in the US, where right after all of the hatefullness of 9/11, one couldn't be critical of our moronic president, bad foriegn policy, or much else, without being considered unpatriotic. Perhaps they weren't booing the fact that Canadian lives have been lost in one of the biggest snipe hunts to ever occur, but simply a dislike for the opposing team. I swear if I have to listen to God Bless America, or Amazing Grace on the bagpipes, or the Star Spangled Banner, any time soon, I'm going to read a Watchtower....


    District Overbeer

  • ThiChi

    “”As some are aware Canada has been mourning and burying their 4 dead soldiers due to the incompetence of an American fighter pilot who dropped a bomb on them while they were carrying out training exercises. Flags are flying at half-mast as Canadians try to make sense of such a careless mistake.”“

    The reason for the booing? Surely, it was not tied to the tragic death of the soldiers. Did the “other side” do any booing when the “other anthem” was played??

    If the team was in morning, should the game have been postponed till “business as usual” could continue? Can you have it both ways?

  • lastcall

    Larc, with all due respect (to your supreme status) - booing is free speach. Bad taste, uncool, but still their right. Surely you don't think they should be arrested. Some other american should have, however, used they're freedom to holler "Jackass!" to those booing, but there are bungholes in every country and when they get drunk at a hockey game their stupidity is amplified. Francois, that was a pitiful display, people booing Canada's anthem. I also agree Canada's anthem is superior, musically speaking.

  • peaceloveharmony

    path, ignorant people are so annoying [>:(] i feel the need to apologize for their rude behavior. booing the other team is fine but not during the national anthem! argh! no respect.

    valis, i'm with you! i'll bring the highlighters

  • gsx1138

    In the immortal words of Dennis Miller, "You folks are worried about the sanctity of America? Let me tell you something. America is a fucking trailor park."

    Mix: 1 part nationalism
    1 part religion
    1 part propoganda
    and you have the basic ingredients for ignorance.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • terafera
    It is no secret that America in general could do with some better manners and show
    more respect for other countries, but what can you do?

    Oh my God, did you just say that with a straight face? I work with two women from Russia who are the most vile and obnoxiously arrogant people alive. There is another woman from England who judges everyone around her and talks down to us 'Americans'.
    There is one from Indonesia that burps without saying 'excuse me' and shoves you out of her way.

    What does this mean?

    That there are jerks in every country! If you think you hold the trophy for class, think again!
    There is good and bad in everyone, to quote Paul McCartney. I think America gets a bad rap no matter what they do. They're too patriotic, not patriotic enough, cater to other countries, dont cater to countries enough..... get over it!

    I have many friends in Canada and they have remarked on how many Americans have bought Canadian flags to wave at hockey events and have bought Canadian shirts and jackets. Can't we all just love each other without such RUDE comments?

  • DakotaRed

    I agree, Path. That is a rude and crass thing to do. Every nation and culture has it's rowdies and America is no exception. Personally, I think any who do that should be escorted out of the building.

    All that is needed is to show a little respect.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • COMF

    Hi, Path. I'm curious. You started your post by saying, "I thought I heard booing."

    How did we get from thinking you heard booing, to knowing that some Americans booed? How did we find out the nationality of the booers?


    A book of verses underneath the bough,
    A jug of wine, a loaf of bread--and thou
    Beside me singing in the wilderness
    Oh, wilderness were paradise enow!

  • noidea


    Member of the: I have No Idea class.

  • Naeblis

    COMF: It was in an American city, and it's been plastered on the news for the last 2 days. I suppose it's possible that every single booer was a refugee from Turkey, but it's unlikely.

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