Classless American Behavior

by Pathofthorns 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    I believe the above comments clearly indicate that my disappointment was aimed at those particular Americans who displayed the rude behavior.

    I guess I need you to explain what being American has to do with it, then.


    And that inverted bowl they call the sky,
    Whereunder crawling coop'd we live and die,
    Lift not your hands to it for help--for it
    As impotently moves as you or I.

  • COMF

    See, because what I would consider "classless" behavior, would be the categorizing and stereotyping of an entire nation's inhabitants, based on an assumption made while listening to a soccer game.

    If it was only those people, what's it got to do with Americans?

    COMF, still waiting for an answer

    Waste not your hour, nor in the vain pursuit
    Of this and that endeavor and dispute;
    Better be jocund with the fruitful grape
    Than sadden after none, or bitter, fruit.

  • waiting

    Howdy comf,

    "soccer game"????? I would be surprised if those fans did that - of course, I don't watch soccer games, so I really don't know. Better retract before I get nasty e-mails, eh?

    I was watching the hockey game yesterday and I thought I heard 'booing' during Canada's national anthem - path
    "hockey game" - yeah, the same kind of game where one father beat the coach "accidently" to death in front of his family. I could see booing going on amongst the fans - really, I could.

    Would think this had everything to do with the nature of those sports & fans and little to do with the nations those teams were from.


  • Naeblis

    Obviously Waiting hasn't seen what goes on at soccer games :P THey booed. Big deal. Just last week at TWO games in Canada, Canadians booed the American anthem. Retaliation? Maybe, but they still did it. People get caught up at sporting events and say or do thing they normally wouldn't. It doesn't mean that it is appropriate behaviour, but it's not the end of the world. Boo!

  • Pathofthorns

    My apologies for not responding..

    I will say your brief reply was very good. I will concede much of my comments are based on my own stereotypes and reflect the often biased perception shown against American culture in Canada. Whether or not those perceptions have any merit or not is a judgement call.

    My comments did go off on several tangents, but hopefully I conveyed the disappointment Canada felt at the behavior displayed and I have repeatedly made clear that I don't consider it a reflection of the behavior of ALL Americans.

    I did imply the behavior was more likely to occur in the US than Canada, probably because it did happen in the US - TWICE this week. I think it is ridiculous especially considering the players making up American teams in the NHL have a significant number of Canadians on them, making nationalism at NHL games or NBA games redundant.

    American nationalism, especially since Sept 11 has swept many away so they no longer even think about what they are doing. It is this extreme nationalism that is absent in Canada that leads me to believe that such behavior would not happen here (unless some "classless" canadians do some retaliation 'booing')

    But I have admitted I do have a measure of anti-american bias, mostly due to American foreign policy and extreme nationalism, and yes I do feel that they tend to be more ill-mannered and ignorant of the 'outside world'. Of course, I don't mean "ALL" Americans, but a significant number for me to justify my own generalizing. I do feel different countries have a different "feel" to them and a different "personality". Just like some are more polite or have more class, some have more money and a stronger military. Priorities I guess. But I suppose in this respect you are free to call me "classless" and I concede you are probably right.


  • Englishman


    Good point, people get carried away in the fervour of the moment, eh?


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I swear if I have to listen to God Bless America, or Amazing Grace on the bagpipes, or the Star Spangled Banner, any time soon, I'm going to read a Watchtower....

    So....go read a Watchtower. Obviously you didn't lose anyone, so it doesn't mean anything to SCREW YOU and go read your WT.

  • teenyuck

    Having been to quite a few hockey games in the last 2 years has made me realize that some fans are jerks.

    No one should ever Boo during the national anthem of an opposing team. That is very disrespectful. I hope this type of behavior stops. I love hearing the national anthem of America and Canada. It makes you realize how lucky we are to live in free societies.

    As an American, I apologize for them.

  • Valis

    double shows off that superior wit and understanding of sarcasm once again. You know little of me and don't forget, I am a citizen of the United States troll. I've lost as much as anyone has, but what I haven't been robbed of, by terrorists or those who chose rhetoric over real patriotism, is my ability to reason. The U.S. has lost many more soldiers and civilians in our recent round of hatefulness, but what does that have to do with hockey, patriotism, and anyone's national anthem? Absolutely nothing! Singing any national anthem all the time, and there is no doubt there have been many more lately than in the pre 9/11 world, is kind of like singing too many kingdom songs if you ask me. The more you sing, the more right you appear to yourself and those around you. The same with those that boo...the more you boo, the more right you seem to yourself and your own brand of trashy hooligan. Perhaps I should pledge alliegance to the flag everyday, I'm sure that'll set me straight. Then perhaps my colleagues will hold me in higher esteem.


    District Overbeer

  • Pathofthorns

    I guess Americans make generalizations about other Americans too?

    And I really doubt if you tire of hearing American war hymns over and over again that means you are unpatriotic or uncaring toward those who died. Quick reactions like that toward your own countrymen are rather sad.


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