Classless American Behavior

by Pathofthorns 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • rmayer32

    That is terrible. Some people are just idiots I guess. Certainly however do not lump it with all americans as you'll find that most would not ever do such a thing as that.


  • Naeblis

    There are idiots amongst everyone. I'm sure somewhere along the line Canadian fans have done something similar.

  • Abaddon

    Didn't I hear on World Service that the incident was caused by a mistake made by one of the Canadian troops? He changed the batteries on his GPS handset, and forgot that when you do this, the GPS display reverts to current position, which was passed on to forward fire control under the assumption it was the co-ordinates previously calculated for the bombing?

    Or did I just graft that incident to the incident where the four Canadian trops died?

    I'm just curious; I think the booing is in bad taste, whether people had died earlier that week or not.

  • ozziepost
    I tell you what is even more disrespectful - remaining seated during the national anthem

    It's more than disrespectful, it's downright rude. There would be no 'harm' in a Dub simply standing during the anthem. What his feelings are, he can keep to himself, but there's no excuse for rudeness.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Matty

    You are right, and I feel awful when I do it.

  • DazedAndConfused

    My first and foremost question would has it been proven that it was American's that did this alleged booing? You have to remember that in "America" (I hate this term) the United States, there are many people of diversified cultures. How has this been proven that it was people of the United States that did it? I have to agree that there are many in our country (US) that are basically low-life, classless "trailer trash", but to clump all of us that live here as being of that caliber is downright disgusting in my book. It is stereotyping, a quite disgusting attitude.

    This is like saying that every JW (put any religion here) or black (put any race here) or male (put any sex here) is such and such. This over generalised, stereotyping is beyond reason.

    Yeah, it is easy to send the blame in one direction...but do facts support the claim?

  • HoChiMin


    Did you ever think it could an adolescent male hockey fan that never reads the news paper or watches the television news? There are many such individuals in the sports world, to lump all of the inhabitants of a country into one category because of it is stretching a bit. Don't you think?


  • Englishman

    Hmm, you guys should watch when England play footie against another country, partisan or what?

    Lots of booing, I'm afraid, maybe its because our own anthem is such a dire dirge, a fan can boo much louder!

    Englishman who never boos.

    Unless we are palying against Germany.

    Or Argentina.

  • waiting

    As for the booing - bad manners and taste for any country. This thread shows that bad manners and taste are in all countries accounted for thus far. It's a shame that these people were booing the other team - but that happens.

    As for hockey fans? Good lord, Canadian! They're known to be almost as rough as the sport and the toothless men who play it! At least in America......and I would assume that if the Canadians were playing the Americans......they would be just as rough and toothless?

    Of course, those clear face masks have helped the lack of teeth situation tremendously.

    Perhaps all teams could be more courteous.....thus making for more courteous fans? Perhaps no beer sales, only coffee and sodas? No? Then I would guess that the "games go on." Not excusing the bad manners - just looking at the source: presumably beer, people, and a known-to-be rowdy sport.

    To label a whole nation as ill mannered because of some hockey fans at one game is lop-sided. We are individuals, just like any other country.

    Being in the business that I'm in - I've known some asshole Canadians, and some of the best people I've met yet.....and they were all jw's. Go figure.


  • Pathofthorns

    While it is no secret that I among others have problems with certain aspects of American culture and influence in the world, I was very careful in my post to avoid stating that all Americans somehow condoned or endorsed the behavior exhibited by the fans at the games where the 'booing' occurred during the playing of the Canadian national anthem.

    I sincerely hope American media chastised their countrymen who showed such insensitive, classless, ignorant and disrespectful behavior to their neighbours.
    I would not lump all americans with this sort of behavior.
    I believe the above comments clearly indicate that my disappointment was aimed at those particular Americans who displayed the rude behavior.

    It is no secret that America in general could do with some better manners and show more respect for other countries, but what can you do?
    (me smiling here ) This is a somewhat incendiary remark typical of me in these sorts of threads to encourage Americans to think more outside the box. While my use of "America" partially encompasses American citizens, it is also intended to encompass American policies, politics and culture. America and Americans are rarely considered on the world scene to be known for their good manners and respect for other countries. This does not mean I think they are bad people.

    It is my opinion, which I expressed here, that America would benefit herself by improving their manners and respect for other countries. And that starts with the President and his administration who seem to have taken a path of indifference to Canadian feelings. When your soldier mistakenly drops a bomb on your friend's soldiers you don't brush off the media like you have somewhere better to go. You be a man and apologize to the families and the country of those who died needlessly.

    I acknowledge that the 'booing' was not tied in any way to the bombing or meant as disrespect to a grieving country. It was just plain rudeness and bad manners on the part of some and Canadians reacted particularly strongly to these incidents and tended to read more into them due to the surrounding politics that Americans tend to be more ignorant of.

    I think many Canadians, particularly since the Sept 11 incident percieve their culture and "difference" from America being eroded and the tendancy is to read much into things and react more strongly than might be called for. My thanks to the Americans here that can appreciate these things.


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