Who is Xenu and why is he here?

by Xenu 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon


    "A formula in which other beliefs place much faith into"

    Translation; A formula of unprovable (so far) accuracy that Scientologists (and possibly Raelians) use.

    "Nor can we forget Frances attitude toward those that work for the Elohim."

    Translation; Boo-Hoo! We don't like the French, they make laws that effect the ability of cults to operate!

    "An attack of a belief system I have no problem with."

    Alrighty then; I think the various snippets of your beliefs you have given show that you believe in something that is a complete and utter fabrication, which cannot be proved in any way. You have been taken advantage of by unsrupulous people and are to be sympathised with, not attcked, as your belief structure is designed to take advantage of people and ultimately reduce their ability to rationalise.

    As you have no problems with attacks on belief systems, I look forward to you defending yours.

  • Xenu

    At this point I will only answer those that have not personally attacked me. Prisca is one.

  • AjaxMan
    Perhaps you do care. Why did you enter this thread?

    You want an answer, here it is: To show what you really are and get over with it.

    I will no longer reply to your posts. I ask that you do the same to mine.
    NO PROBLEMO but since you asked me a question, I'll have to answer it.
  • AlanF

    Xenu said:

    : At this point I will only answer those that have not personally attacked me.

    Ah! The ultimate evasive reply! All who pose questions that you can not or will not answer have "personally attacked" you. Yes indeed.

    At this rate your audience will be down to zero in no time. Excellent!

    Well, Xenu, you've proved who you are.


  • Xenu

    Attacks are considered attacks on my character and my name. Not beliefs.

  • AlanF

    : Attacks are considered attacks on my character and my name. Not beliefs.

    You're such a dork, Xenu. (Now that is a personal attack.)

    Up to this point my attacks were entirely on your claims -- not on you. "You" are nothing but a display of characters on a computer screen, so I cannot possibly have attacked "you".

    Do continue your evasions. You simply confirm what you appear to be.


  • Xenu


    Up to this point my attacks were entirely on your claims -- not on you

    You stand corrected

    Evasive replies will prove that despite your apparent willingness to answer the questions you've posed, you're insincere, and as Dave claims, are a cult recruiter
    This will be my last reply to you
  • RedhorseWoman

    AlanF has an excellent point, and one that I thought myself. Actually, AlanF has several excellent points.

    The first is that you, Xenu, have not really explained who you are and why you are here. Your "answers" were so vague as to be meaningless.

    Additionally, the rate at which you are becoming offended at posters here, you will soon be responding to no one.

  • jerome

    Questions for xenu.

    These all require solely yes or no anwsers.

    1) Are you a ralien?

    2) Are you a member of any other religious organisation?

    3) Do you favour or promote any religious organiastion?

    4) Do you not anwser questions directly so as to annoy posters that have attacked your character?

    5) Will you at some point in time soon reveal your full intentions?

    That is all. Court will adjourn untill xenu decides to anwser or avoid the above questions.

    The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.

  • AlanF

    To Dorku:

    : You stand corrected

    No, you stand corrected. Watch:

    :: Evasive replies will prove that despite your apparent willingness to answer the questions you've posed, you're insincere, and as Dave claims, are a cult recruiter

    This is a form of the logical "if - then" statement: "If this, then that." Let me reformulate, so that you will be unable to pretend that I made a personal attack. Note the above phrase highlighted in red: "Evasive replies will prove". It should be obvious that the entire statement is equivalent to the following, where I have reddened the "if - then" parts:

    If you continue making evasive replies, then you will have proved that, despite your apparent willingness to answer the questions you've posed, you're insincere, and as Dave claims, are a cult recruiter.

    Then 2nd part of my statement, following the then, will be true if and only if the 1st part of my statement, following the if, is true. By continuing to evade giving an answer to the questions you yourself posed, you have demonstrated the truth of the if statement; therefore the then statement must be true.

    In other words, you've hung yourself.

    : This will be my last reply to you

    No it won't.


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