Just as the Yeshua walked the earth, most were not happy with his replies. As Yeshua would not answer if he was the Moshiach, many will not be happy with my replies. There are others who observe. I am yet not greater than the master.
by Xenu 43 Replies latest jw friends
Just as the Yeshua walked the earth, most were not happy with his replies. As Yeshua would not answer if he was the Moshiach, many will not be happy with my replies. There are others who observe. I am yet not greater than the master.
I give up. Where's the ship?
Just as the Yeshua walked the earth, most were not happy with his replies. As Yeshua would not answer if he was the Moshiach, many will not be happy with my replies. There are others who observe. I am yet not greater than the master.
Oh, yes, of course. How could I not have understood this all along? [8>]
I ate asparagus last night. Do not reveal this to any of the uninitiated.
Mmm, love asparagus!
Why does it play havoc with one's pee though?
Yes I see now. The Purple Lady of the Rivers spoke to the Green God last night in my visions. (These strangly enough were following a weird mushroom I ate but that's another story!) The Holy Saints were there too. Then Hark! Who did I see? The Silver Surfer. He busted in on the party but ahd NOTHING good to say. You guys really need to get with the program - the Eloiquatihim are coming Real Soon Now and trust me, you don't want ANY part of them!!!!
30th December, 2001 - 2nd January, 2002 A.D at Cuttack, Orissa, India
His Holiness Swamji Jivanmuktanandaji Maharaj:
[[Inspired by Gurudev's Book, the Elixir Divine, he visited Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh for the first time in 1970. And since then he was a regular visitor to Gurudev's holy Ashram until 1975. From 1975 onward, he became a permanent inmate of the Sivananda Ashram and served in the Swami Sivananda Charitable Hospital for four years. In the Year 1979, he became the Registrar of the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy and managed the 3 months course organised by the Y.V.F. Academy, a department of the Divine Life Society Headquarters, Rishikesh. In the year 1981, he was initiated into the Holy order of Sannyasa by Paramapujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj and was ordained this present name as Sri Swami Jivanmuktanandaji Maharaj.
In 1983, he was deputed by Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj as the President of the Divine Life Society Branch of Malaysia having almost 20 sub-branches spreading all over the country. In Malaysia Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj served as Doctor Kuppuswamy for 9 years. During the period of his service developed intense vairagya (dispassion) and returned to Rishikesh and became Swami Sivananda, the great illustrious son of Bharatavarsha (India).
While there in Malaysia, Swami Jivanmuktanandaji Maharaj tried his best to spread the sublime teachings of Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. During his tenure in Malaysia, the devotees of Gurudev Swami Sivananda and the people in general were immensely benefited. Swamiji Maharaj is a Master of Yoga and Vedanta, a dynamic speaker. During his stay in Malaysia, Swamiji also visited Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore etc.
Upon his return to Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh in 1988, Swamiji again revived the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy courses. During this period Swamiji Maharaj many a times conducted Yoga and Stress Management courses at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of Administration, Mussourie for the Indian Administrative Officers.
In 1994 Swamiji Maharaj was assigned the task of the construction and management of the A.P. Divine Life Society, Sri Sivananda Ashram, Hyderabad. With the active help and personal guidance of Swamiji now the Ashram has developed into a very beautiful and dynamic spiritual center. At present Swamiji is the President of the APDLS.
In 1996 Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj appointed him as the Administrator, In-charge of Swami Sivananda Centenary Charitable Hospital run by the Swami Sivananda Memorial Trust founded in 1987 to mark the Birth Centenary of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj at holy Pattamadai, the birthplace of our Worshipful Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj.
In March 2000 Sri Swami Jivanmuktanandaji Maharaj was appointed as the Chairman of the 2nd Global International Divine Life Society Conference by Pujya Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. With the permission and blessings of our International President of the Divine Life Society, Paramapujya Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj, Swamiji is now undertaking a World Tour to invite the devotees & disciples of Gurudev to come, join their hands together and participate in this Conference and also raise sufficient funds to make this Global Conference a grand success.]]
If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger
“What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)
Okay, I give up! Are you selling a book? What's the price of membership and how do I sign up?
carmel who needs to join somethingl
Xenu, you said:
"I choose to do as this board says. Discuss things related to the Jehovah's."
Ok, I can give you that one, lets see if you are true to you words or if you are lying.
I would like to have your input on the following JW teachings, how do you feel about:
1. The JW blood issue?
2. The 29 members of the governing body
3. The specific number of those who partake at the memorial in relation to the total number of anointed
4. The practice of passing the collection plate twice in one meeting?
5. The decision to stop printing the Golden Age magazine?
6. Judge Ruthaford having been married and divorce 6 times?
7. Their ban an all alcohol while allowing their members to continue to smoke?
I will leave it at this many for right now. If you are honest and true to your intention here you should have no problem answer at least three of those questions.
This is not an attack but only an attempt for you to prove what you stated as your true intention.
If you refuse to answer me then someone else who you have not refused to talk to can ask you the same exact questions so we all can benefit from your wisdom on these issues.
The clock is ticking!
Take care and have a nice day.
Um, this is a comedic farce, right????? This is from he/she's website link, and well, I must say------------UHN?????
Summary of the Messages
Traces of this epic masterpiece of creation can be found in all religious writings. It is to them that Moses, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed referred to. It is now time to welcome them.
On 13 December 1973 French journalist Rael was contacted by a visitor from an other planet, and asked to establish an Embassy to welcome these people back to Earth.
The extra-terrestrial was about four feet in height, had long dark hair, almond shaped eyes, olive skin and exuded harmony and humour. He told Rael that "we were the ones who made all life on earth, you mistook us for gods, we were at the origin of your main religions. Now that you are mature enough to understand this, we would like to enter official contact through an embassy".
The messages dictated to Rael explain how life on Earth is not the result of random evolution, nor the work of a supernatural 'God'. It is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by a scientifically advanced people who made human beings literally in their image" what one can call "scientific creationism". References to these scientists and their work, as well as to their symbol of infinity can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures. For example, in Genesis, the biblical account of creation, the word "Elohim" has been mistranslated as "God" in the singular, but it is a plural, which means "those who came from the sky".
Leaving our humanity to progress by itself, the Elohim nevertheless maintained contact with us via prophets including Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed, all specially chosen and educated by them. The role of the prophets was to progressively educate humanity through the messages they taught, each time adapted to the culture and level of understanding at the time. They were also to leave traces of the Elohim so that we would be able to recognise them as our creators and fellow human beings when we had advanced enough scientifically to understand them.
Now that Man has put his foot on the moon, and our scientists are creating life through the synthesis of DNA, we are finally capable of understanding our creators rationally instead of mystifying and dumbly adoring them. For this reason the Elohim have contacted French journalist Rael. They have asked him to make their final message known throughout the world and to establish an embassy for them where they will officially meet with us and our world governments.
They are not invaders. They have shown their desire to come but they respect our choice to say no. It is up to us to invite them - and our invitation is the embassy. It's the least we can do.
Without the neutrality of an embassy, free air space and an official welcome, an unannounced and undesired landing would have enormous political, economic and social repercussions with disastrous consequences world-wide. Nor do they wish to endorse any government, religion or ideology other than that of the Raelian Philosophy, by contacting any other institution first. Thus they will only come when we build their embassy, such is their love and respect for us.
Following the extra-terrestrial's instructions, Rael established the Raelian Movement, an international organization to bring together anyone who wishes to help.
It is an atheist, non-profit, spiritual organisation; "atheist" because it demystifies the old concept of god, "spiritual" because it links us with our creators and infinity, and "non-profit" because no member gets paid any salary, not even Rael himself.
It is a completely open organization designed not to convince people, but to allow those who wish to help, to join or leave anytime.
Its aims are:
- To inform without convincing.
- To establish the embassy.
- To catalyse a society adapted to the future.
In the message which they dictated to Rael, which he has now published as a series of books, they kindly bring us a new vision of the universe, which provides us with the keys to awakening our own potential and a series of values to revolutionise society.
This new philosophy, where spirituality and science meet, is taught at international seminars on every continent and is the final ingredient necessary to ignite a personal and global revolution of individuality, freedom, love and respect. It is already sweeping the globe and allowing humanity to transform war into peace, labour into leisure, poverty into fulfilment and money into love. The Raelian revolution is made up of people from all walks of life,
from all sexual orientations, from all races, all ages, everyone different and fiercely non conformist, turning everything they touch into fun and pleasure.
Check your old religious writings, check out the latest scientific discoveries, check out the UFOlogical evidence and our bibliography and you will find that they are all increasingly supporting the Raelian Message.
When's the space ship coming back??? Better pack your bags.......